chapter 1

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//peters pov\\

as I was swinging around the city I suddenly felt my senses go haywire indicating something was about to hit me I dodged it and swiftly landed on a nearby roof just in time to dodge another arrow?

i looked around in the place the arrow came from when my spidy sense told me someone was walking towards me 

"you know its creepy to sneak up on people after shooting arrows at them," i said not even turning around to see the person but i could tell they were surprised i noticed them there 

"Spiderman you need to come with me" said a very familiar voice then it clicked 

"oh if isn't the second favourite spider on the block hows it going widow oh and if you're here your little birdy friend Katniss is here to do i need to chirp or something to get him to show himself" i said smirking behind the mask 

"i won't ask again spiderman" she said venom dripping from her voice 

"good because I don't want to hear it again," i said just then my spidy sense went off and i quickly did a barrel roll as soon as i did an arrow landed were i was previously standing 

"finally Katniss finally made an appearance done talking to all your other birdy friends," i said with a smirk as he stood next to Natasha Romanova i love hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D in my spare time     

"well this has been fun and all but im going to be late if i don't leave soon so yeah bye," i said as i shot a web behind me and before they could say anything i jumped of the roof and back to the orphanage after getting changed back into civilian clothes if was currently 1:00 in the afternoon and as soon as i walked in the room i went to my bed and played on my phone 

//Natasha pov\\ 

as i went back to the tower with clint i thought of something 

"hey clint i was thinking you know with you being my longest friend in the avengers i was hoping you would come to the orphanage with me to adopt my new kid," i asked he looked at me and smiled 

"of course i need to make sure he knows that im the best Avenger im going to be the best uncle ever," he said i chuckled a bit

"how do you know its going to be a boy?"  i asked

"uh because im the best and I know everything," he said I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit 

then changed our route to the orphanage because I was just going to drop clint home then go to the orphanage  we talked about things on the way there when I parked we got out of the car and went to the front desk were a middle-aged lady sat reading a magazine looking like she didn't want to be there. when i cleared my throat she didn't even look up 

"we don't take back the stupid runts that you oh foolishly adopted when you were drunk," she said and i was taken aback with what she said

"actually im here to adopt," i said she groaned 

"ugh fine follow me," she said walking away and we ran to catch up to her we walked into a room and everyone turned to look at us except one teenaged boy in the corner 

"listen here runts some people are here to adopt behave yourselves the faster you all are out of  here the faster i can leave this shity job," she said leaving    

all the kids ether laughed nervously or smiled a bit  

"Alright can everyone who is thirteen or older meet me over there,"i said pointing over to a little corner in the room all of them moved over there except one clint walked over to him 

"hey buddy you look older then thirteen which means you have to get your butt over there before i kick your butt over there," he said the kid looked up at him slightly before going back to looking out the window with headphones in i walked over to him and took his headphones out he looked confused for a second then looked at me he looked mad

" what's your name kid," i asked

"peter parker" he replied with a shrug looking back out the window  

"well peter my name is Natasha and that excuse of a man over there is clint and right now im looking to adopt so get your butt over there so I can interview you and everyone else," I said 

"im good thanks i would much rather stay here miss Romanova and Mr Barton," he said i smirked and walked over to clint 

"you think he's the one," he asked i nodded 

"yeah he seems cool" i said

"only one thing i need to find out tho" he said walking over to peter

"who's your favourite Avenger," he asked i rolled my eyes 

"miss Romanova over there is my favourite," he said  

" i can work with that she is my best friend and all," he said with a huff before walking back to me 

"yeah he's cool go tell him the news  so we can g home and i can brag how im going to be the best uncle ever and he's gonna like me the best," he said i just rolled my eyes and walked over to him 

"Peter I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to adopt you and there is nothing you can say to change my mind," I said his eyes widen 

"nononononononono don't take me take someone else i-" he said before I cut him off by raising a hand

"like I said there is nothing you can say or do so stop with the puppy dog eyes to make me not adopt you go on pack your things," i said he groaned and walked away while I signed the paperwork when I was done I walked outside to see Peter in the front set and a pouting clint outside the door  

"clint get in the car or I will leave here without you," I said laughing lightly and seeing Peter smirk at him he rolled down the window 

"yeah uncle clint you don't want to keep mum waiting I heard she has a bit of a short fuse," he said in an entirely fake innocent voice clint then stopped over the back seat and sat down with a himph with his arms crossed like a kid who didn't get the toy they wanted I just smiled a bit before driving back to the tower to introduce everyone to the new member of the family 

(ok now that is done  again sorry if its a bit short and my writing is a bit stuffy but meh anyway until next time

_tom_daya_25_ xoxo)

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