Chapter 6

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//Natasha pov\\
When Steve told us about peters scars I walked to my room to check the CCTV footage to see how bad they were. And holy shit they were as I watched the CCTV I felt myself tear up a bit. But quickly wiped my eyes and closed my laptop getting ready for bed. I went to go say goodnight to the others when I remembered it was movie night. I decided to join them and after the movie finished I went to bed hearing Peter come home around midnight.
The next morning I woke up after hearing a scream from the kitchen. I jumped up and ran into the room to see a shocked team and a scared Peter in the corner watching Thor's hammer like it was the plague. I cleared my thought and everyone turned to look at me.
"What the hell Nat you adopted a kid that can lift Thor's fucking hammer his HAMMER, can you believe that" Tony suddenly spoke up I consumed a look of pure shock and confusion.

"wait what, are you saying that Peter can pick up the hammer that not even Steve can pick up," I said will a bit of humour in my voice.
"Yes and he keeps saying that it made a mistake and how he's a horrible person, shit like th..." Tony started but was cut off by Thor flying into the room.
"What is this I hear about someone picking up my hammer" he says I smirk and point to my new son.
"There saying that Peter over there can pick it up" I said laughing slightly at his face.
"Young mortal is this true, show me I want to see it" he demanded looking at Peter. Who was shaking his head so fast I'm surprised he wasn't getting whiplash. I just nodded and smirked
"Fine" he said p as he looked at the hammer and took a deep breath. He reached his right hand out and gripped it around the handle. He pulled up and the hammer came up too I just smiled while Thor looked horrified. Peter quickly dropped it and ran to his room muttering something about school and homework and having to hand it in. I shrugged and went to make coffee after about five minutes he came back out with new clothes and a school bag. He ran into the elevator yelling a bye before the doers closed and left me with my thoughts.
//Peters pov\\
As I walked into school I saw ned and MJ talking. I walked towards the two and smiled
"Hey guys, how are you?" I asked with a small wave and giving MJ a kiss on the cheek ned smiled and waved back while MJ shrugged
"Good, glad your back at school" ned said. MJ just made a sound of agreement and we went back to talking about life and all that. That was until my spidy sense tingled and I sighed as I heard the one and only flash Thomson shots the iconic 'penis Parker' while shoving me into a nearby locker.
"Well well well welcome back penis I was starting to think you killed yourself because of how worthless you are, I mean first your parents then your uncle and now I've heard your aunt died I don't blame them I would want to die to if I had to be related to you" he sneered with a menacing chuckle. I was about to responded but was cut off by a punch to my left eye and a kick to my abdomen. When the bell rang flash just laughed
"See ya later penis" he said punching me one more time in the ribs and I heard a sickening crunch as I groaned.
Yup ok so one Brocken rib
One swollen eye and a badly bruised abdomen totally not gonna be suspicious when I go home purple and blue.
I groaned as I stood up meeting the concerned faced of my only friends I smiled at them as my way of telling them that I'm fine and to leave it be. The rest of the day went by pretty fast and before I knew it I was pulling my hood up as I walked into my new home telling JARVIS to take me to the 40th floor the common room. When I heard the ding and the doors opened I try end to make a beeline to my bedroom when I felt a hand in my shoulder.
'Shit' I thought
"Hey Peter were you going so fast, how was school?" My new mother asked I internally sighed.
'Well no escaping now" I thought as I turned around
"Yea school was ok hehe" I said rubbing the back of my neck I saw her freeze and her eyes darken as she assessed the damage.
"Peter honey what happened to you your all beat up" Natasha yelled as she started to check my face for more injuries. I rubbed the back of my neck again but when I did my shirt lifted up a bit revealing part of the huge bruise on my abdomen and with her being a spy/assassin saw and gasped as she lifted my shirt.
"Peter where the fuck did all of this come from" she yelled making my ears ring
"I fell down the stairs at school got a little beat up, and I hit myself in the face with my locker by accident I was mad because I didn't get the score I wanted on my SOSE test" I lied being good at it after having to do it to may a lot I sounded completely convincing. She looked at me weirdly and reluctantly let go of me
"Fine but we're going to ned bay to make sure you haven't damaged anything"the told me. Before grabbing my hand and dragging me down to Medbay to have a check up by now my ribs are healed and the only things that are still there are my bruises. I turned off my healing power so they didn't heal while Bruce was looking over me. After the check up I went back upstairs ignored the rest of the avengers asking me questions and went to bed. The same thing happens for the next week and Natasha is getting suspicious and not to mention worried. Friday I got the worst beating and when I got home and Natasha started questioning me I broke down I couldn't hide the pain anymore I cried and cried though the unending sobs I told her what was happening excluding getting beat up by her and the others every night while out as spiderman. She just hugged gme and rubbed my back while speaking kind and reassuring words. I finally found myself falling asleep but before I did I muttered five words.
" thanks mum I love you" before drifting into the black abyss called sleep.
(Done thanks so much LokiLetsDoLamp for the idea I know you were probably talking about spiderman injuries but I changed it to this because I thought it was a bit to early to start the identity finding thing so anyway

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