Chapter 3

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//peters pov\\
As I was in my room I decided to go out as spiderman to clear my head. I picked up my bag and locked the door. I took out my laptop and set on the desk logged in and made it seem I was in my room, and hacked FRIDAY so the AI wouldn't alert anyone when I left the tower. After that was done I made sure the door was locked and put on my suit and jumped out of my window and started swinging around stopping some petty crime like muggings and all that stuff. until I sat I top of a building listing to the busy traffic of NY until my enhanced hearing picked up on heavy footsteps coming from behind me.
'Fuck I completely forgot about the avengers wanting to kidnap me' I thought As I got up and turned around to see captain America standing in all of his star shining glory clad in full uniform shield in hand. On his left was a pissed looking black widow and on his right was a surprisingly happy Thor. A few buildings behind me was one Hawkeye on another building was scarlet witch, ant-man and the wasp and I could hear that in the sky was war machine, falcon, ironman and vision. I started to get nervous but I kept my cool knowing that flipping out won't do me any good.
"Spiderman please just come quietly and we can all get out of this unharmed" cap said is a stern yet surprisingly soft voice.
"I'm truly sorry cap, but that's not an option at the moment as I'm not in the best of places at the moment so if you really want to talk come see me when I'm not in the suit but ha god luck with that" I said sternly he sighed and did some sort of signal. Suddenly I felt my self in a black room witch suddenly turned red as four people appeared I front of me my parents, uncle Ben and may. I froze as they all looked at me in hatred and disgust
"It's all your fault Peter how could you do this to us you killed us your a disgrace i hate you peter, we all hate you" my uncle said as blood slowly started to poor out of his stomach. My parents started to bleed as well as being lit on fire aunt may just stood there her eyes becoming lifeless just like the others. They all started to chant that it was my fault and that I did this to them.
" NO please I'm sorry I didn't mean to I'm sorry I'm so sorry, please please I know it's my fault please I'm sorry please stop" I sobbed out before they could say anything else they all faded away into dust, and I was back in the real world. I saw that I was still on the roof and that my mask was wet from the tears I must of shed while I had that wired and traumatising dream. I came to my senses by shaking my head and as fast as lighting webbed all the avengers I could see witch was most of them as they must of came to see what was happening. Then continued to stumble of the building and swung my way back to my new home. I swung back in threw the window and with shaky hands removed my mask from my face ant stumbled over to my bag got my phone out and played the song I played when I was as the home the second day to calm my nerves called river flowers in you the piano cover. (at the start of the chapter if you want to listen)

I listened to that while telling myself to breath. I sooner calmed down enough to take of my suit and change into PJ's and lay in bed with the music still playing softly in the background as I put the phone on charge quickly set the camera ps and FRIDAY back to normal before going to sleep.
//avengers pov\\
We all stood there frozen for a bit the poor man sounded so distressed we could all hear Wands crying over the com and vision floated out of the web to go help her. We were all snapped out of our trances when Nat started to cut the webs with a knife. Once she was out she got clint out and gave him the knife and started walking away.
" I get it were all surprised about the events that just took place but I have a newly adopted son to get back to" she said walking onto the quint jet that was parked on the roof. Once we were all free we all walked in the jet and was surprised to see a drained wands sitting next to vision and Natasha sitting in the co pilot seat muttering sum thing in a different language clint sat in the pilot seat and closed the hager door once we where all inside and seated. He took off it was a silent ride back apart from the quiet muttering from Natasha and the occasional sob from Wanda. Once we landed Natasha was the first one out heading straight to peters room as the rest of us piled off and inside to sit on the couch and watch tv.
//Natasha's pov\\
As soon as the door opened I was out and made my way to my new sons room I knocked and when I didn't get a response I tried to open the door, only to discover it was locked. I told FRIDAY to unlock the door and when she did I walked in to see Peter sleeping a soft piano tune playing softly from his bedside table. I smiled a bit but it faded as I noticed slight tear streaks down his cheeks and a small frown set on his face. I silently walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge. I brushed some of his chocolate brown curls out of his face and kissed his forehead. Before standing up and quietly walking to the door.
"Sleep well Peter I will see you in the morning" I said quietly before walking out and quietly closing the door. I walked in the living room to see the others lounging around I smiled gently.
"I'm heading to bed it's been a long day see you all in the morning goodnight all" I said hearing every one say good night as I walked down the hall to my room and went to be after I had a shower and brushing my teeth.
'I only just got Peter but I can already tell my life if gonna change for the better because he's here' I thought before I finally let sleep consume me and I slipped into a peaceful abyss of sleep
(Done and done sorry if it had a bit of a wait I had to think of some ideas and needed some free time to write this sorry if it's a bit messy I wrote this in under two or three hours after along day or celebrating my cozens birthday please excuse my crappy writing skills and until next time

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