Chapter 11 (THE END)

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//peters pov\\
When me and my mum walked out of the cinema room I started to talk about the movie. (If you don't want spoilers skip this part I will teen you when the spoilers are over btw the movie was the dubbed version of the anime seasons as well as adding a few bits and pieces)
"That was so good, I love it so much, the way Eren got his powers and met Levi, it was so sad when Marco, Carla (Eren's mum) and Harnns died,I loved the part when eren blocked up the wall it was the like the best part in the movie" (end of spoilers) I said. Mum just smiled down at me and ruffled my hair.
"I personally like Mikasa the best. Oh and has anyone noticed that Jean looks like a horse, but oh well" she said I laughed. Almost falling down the stairs we were walking down having to hold onto the railing for support.
"So what do you want to do now?" She asked, I shrugged after finally being able to calm down from my massive laughing fit. That for your information drew in a lot of attention and judge mental stares. Mum just glared at them and flipped them off, making me laugh again.
"Let's get sushi, or some lunch then we can go to boost juice" mum said. I nodded my head really fast, happy at the idea of getting sushi. And boost juice, we made our way to the food court and got some tuna sushi. We put it in a bad and walked down the hall to EB games and bought some stuff there. We continued out Journey to boost juice, when we got there mum ordered and mango blitz while I ordered a water melon base with raspberries and strawberries, than we went back to the food fought with out stuff and found a table to sit at. We started to eat when mum looked up at me from her avocado sushi.
"Are you really being bullied Peter or was that fake?" She asked I looked up at her and laughed nervously.
"Well you see, umm, well hehe, yes it may or may not of been true hehe" I said sweating slightly. She looked at me and glared.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Peter you mean so much to me I couldn't stand losing you. You are truly the only thing I can talk to and openly admit thing to your m every thing, I want you to tell me things I love you, your my son" she said with tears welling up in her eyes. I my self could feel my own tears welling up just thinking about all the times I even considered suicide. Only now realising how much it would of hurt the one person I care the most about after my aunt may died. Sure I loved aunt may and still do, and there will always be a special spot in my heard for her. But I have found someone else who also honestly cares about me, facing all my problems with a smile that basically radiates 'have no fear because I am here'. Thinking this I smile at her a few of out tears shedding as I give her a small sad smile slowly standing up and walks to her side of the table.
"I love you mum, I'm really sorry about everything. Not telling you about stuff, you mean so much to me I love you so much" I said giving her a massive hug. She immediately hugged back genuinely crying tears of nothing but pure joy and happiness.
"I love you to Pete you mean the world to me, your the one thing striving me to become a better person, keeping me fighting everyday, you the only thing in this would that can bring me nothing but happiness I love you so much Pete, I don't think you realise how lucky I am to have you in my life" she said wiping the few stray tears left on her cheeks. I did the same with mine and gave her one of my Peter smiles. Showing off my glistening white pearls, starting to pack up out things. We headed home looking at all the different Christmas lights people have put up for display. After heading home we decided to sit down for the rest of the night watching Christmas movies. We were half way through our third movie the polar express when I felt myself starting to drift off. My eyes slowly welcoming the peaceful black abyss.
//Natasha pov\\
I looked down and my son feeling him shift slightly at my side I smiled slightly when I saw he had drifted off. I stare at him for a few seconds before pulling him closer to my chest. The movie and half eaten snacks lay forgotten, as I start to drift off.
//no ones pov\\
As Natasha was about to welcome a ever peaceful slumber she whispered one last thing.
"Don't worry little spider mama spiders here"

(And donee what an anti climatic ending but that's how I wanted it to go, I really hoped you enjoyed this book just as much as I enjoyed writing it for you, wishing you a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year sending my love to all the struggling family's out there. I won't be posting anything until after Christmas but in 2019 there will be another two or three books coming out so stay tuned for that any way that I you all so mypuch for reading this and being so supportive I love you all so so so so so much stay safe over these holidays until next time

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