chapter 2

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//Natasha pov\\

as i pulled into the garage at the tower i looked next to me to see Peter looking at his phone then i heard a door slam shut and he flinched a bit and gritted his teeth then took his eyes off the screen and looked to see clint walking back into the house i rolled my eyes and followed him telling peter to get his things and follow me inside he nodded and got his small bag of things and walked over to me i locked the car and walked inside to the elevator were a grumpy clint waiting.

"took your time" he mumbled walking into the elevator i glared at him and walked in as well as Peter

"Avengers floor," i said and we started to move up when the elevator dinged clint ran in and straight to the couch i saw Peter roll his eyes and followed me inside the elevator closing behind us in the lounge room sat

Thor, Loki, Tony, Rhody, Wanda, vision and clint in the kitchen sat

steve, Sam, Scott and bucky

i cleared my throat and they all looked over to me and peter

"everyone this is peter my new son and peter these idiots are the Avengers," i said Steve got up and walked over to Peter he shook his hand

"nice to meet you peter im steve," he said shaking his hand

"its an honour to meet you sir," Peter said bowing his head slightly

"please call us by our names not sir or Mr or miss," he said smiling i smiled glad to see that cap likes him i started to push him over to the couch to get him to sit down he took his place next to clint and everyone stared at him

"what?" he asked

"why did you sit next to clint he is the last person i would want to sit next to," Tony said and got an elbow to the gut by Rhody

"not what we were thinking so Peter tell us about yourself," Wanda said glaring at tony

//Peter pov\\

"um there's not much to say i like science, star wars, i was an orphan, all my family either dies or leaves me then dies, i have no friends except my girlfriend MJ, and i hate sausage dogs "

(A/N irl i actually hate sausage dogs and you gonna laugh at this i got bitten by one when i was little because i was a little diva and disobeyed my mom and went to pat it and it was not having any of that and yeah bit me ever since then i have had a fear of them and i hate them so much but i am a dog person XD)

they all looked at me weirdly looking at each other

"uhhhhhhhhhh ooookaaaaayyyyyy this is sufficiently awkward just gonna go to my room if anyone would kindly show me too," I said awkwardly clint stood up

"your favourite uncle will take you," he said putting his hands on his hips with a toothy grin i rolled my eyes

"thanks, Mr Barton," i said picking up my bag

"Oh come on you called me uncle in the car and Natasha mum," he said in a slightly whiney voice i rolled my eyes

"Because i knew that was the only way to get your Katniss loving butt in the car jeez its gonna take a lot more than a couple minutes for me to start calling you guys uncle, aunt and mum," i said

"ugghhhh fine but at least call us by our names Mr and miss makes us sound old but you can call cap Mr Rogers because he's old" cling said making Steve glare at him he just shrugged and stood up waving me to follow I nodded even tho he couldn't see it and followed him all of a sudden I got dragged in a room being told to be silent my spider sense was trying to work out who it is and after a while I knew it was Clint and relaxed a bit

"dude what the heck" I said with a glare
" we're you serious about not having friends and your family leaving you and all that" he asked I gave him a blunt look
"No I was joking about the one thing that made me a depressed and emotion less teen of course I was being serious bird brain jeez try to push past all those bird calls and arrows and think for a bit" I said getting angry that he had to come and barge into my life and then question me about it I just walked out of the room and down the hall to a empty room to witch he presumed was his he walked In and closed and locked to door I set my bag down on the floor and sat on my bed thinking of the day's event's first I was nearly shot out of the sky and kidnapped but my new mother and uncle and those said people are the black widow and Hawkeye my life just gets crazier and crazier by the day what have I gotten myself into this time I sighed

'Fuck my Parker luck' I thought before going to sleep

(Annnddddddd done anyway sorry this one is a bit short considering the wait but I had a lot to do this week and school goes back tomorrow so expect slower updates but excuse my crappy writing skills and until next time

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