Chapter 1

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*Ariel POV*

I groaned as I found myself standing at the top of another steep hill, "you have got to be kidding me!" I gasped before setting myself down on a perfectly smooth boulder. I noticed a stream of water and with a quick movement of my hand a bubble of water appeared before my mouth. I puckered up my lips and slurped up the cool refreshing water.

I'm not magician, the type of Magic I use, is even before the world knew of King Solomon and Magi's. My family is part of a rare breed of people, we're similar in strength and speed as the Fanalis but our abilities are different. We are categorised by the elements. I as you can see, am a water manipulator but that's not the only one I can use, I also have the ability to control air, which in sticky situations comes in handy! The tricky thing is... I have to have a source regarding the water manipulator, for some reasons, Unlike my ancestors, I can't pull water out of thin air.

Thousands of years ago, when the world was still new, we were divided into nations of the elements. One great and powerful leader would be chosen by the light spirit at birth and this child would be born to grow strong and train in the ways of the elements.

I on the other hand... doubt that I am this mighty powerful manipulator as I can only manipulate Water and Air. My father, on the other hand can control anything from the family of fire, such as lightning, lava and steam. My mother has always been a peaceful woman that's why I guess she gets along with nature. She is an earth manipulator but can also communicate to animals through telepathy... And let me tell you, you have never felt betrayal until your dog snitches on you for eating the last jam tart!

Now, enough about the family drama and more about myself, my name is Ariel and I am 22 years old. I have Long blonde hair with brown streaks and a mix of light and dark blue eyes. I am very fit and have been trained in many fighting styles so I can kick some serious ass! I have a B cup breast size that seems to have caused a young blue haired pervert to dive into my breasts yelling that I have beautiful eyes... Let's just say before he could grab a squeeze I had sent him flying with my air equipped round house kick. That was in Balbadd republic 6 months ago. I left my parents home in a small neutral village that has no desire to be involved in worldly matters and is hidden by a Magical waterfall that only those of residence can find it. I was determined to travel to all the countries and train with their most powerful teachers and fight their warriors in hope to unlock my other abilities. I have also occasionally been setting slaves free as a masked vigilante that is wanted world wide, oops. I have yet to travel to the Kou empire and Reim but for now, I'm finding great peace, and annoyance travelling through this amazing forest with its beautiful hills. I have been able to capture one dungeon but my Djinn is a stubborn, perverted young djinn by the name of Yoso. Every time I call upon him he flirts with me and confesses his undying love to me that it has caused me at times to hesitate before asking for his assistance. Right now, let me focus on getting down this very steep hill...

*No POV*

Ariel took a step back before leaping of the steep hill and gliding down the hill side on a thin sheet of air almost in the form of a surfboard. The leaves flew into the air as she swooped past at great speed and her hair waved in the wind almost covering her vision. Once at the bottom of the hill, Ariel gazed upon the hill that she just slid down and admired her speed. Adjusting her back pack, Ariel continued through the thick forest. As she walked further, she felt her skin start to feel slightly sticky, "eeew, I just bathed this morning!" Ariel groaned as she slumped against a tree. Ariel lifted her head and sucked in a small gust of air, "hmmm, salty?" Ariel raised her brow before continuing in the direction she was heading. After some serious thorn bushes and an odd Venus fly trap that considered her food, Ariel made it to the beach front. Realising that she has travelled across an entire continent in only the period of 1 week She collapsed to the floor and rolled in the soft, warm beach sand.

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