Chapter 3

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Ariel walked between Ja'far and Sinbad. Masrur walked ahead of them with the three children on his shoulders. Fang followed behind everyone, 'Did I make the right choice to follow them?' Ariel thought to herself. Sinbad walked with a confident grin and a bounce in his step, gazing at all his metal vessels and his large sword. Ariel then turned her attention to Ja'far who walked so simple without any worries and then Masrur... No emotion, no reaction just cold and distant. Ariel's mind wandered at all that was happening, she was going to Sindria and she was being personally escorted by the King himself.

Finally reaching the village, the 3 children jumped off of Masrur's shoulders and ran to their father who stood there in tears at the sight of his children, "Daddy!!!!" Cried the three children as they jumped into their father's arms. Ariel's chest pained as she watched the happy reunion. Masrur looked over his shoulder and noticed the sorrow in her eyes, "Thank you So MUCH!" The chief said before bowing to Masrur. The chief watched as Masrur stepped aside and placed his hand on Ariel's head, "She saved them." Masrur said before leaving, "Well, thank you so so Much!" cried the chief as he walked closer, "Wait a minute... You... You're that young lady from last night that rescued my cook from those three thugs, aren't you?" The chief asked Ariel who just gave a small nod, "I knew it! The beautiful blonde hair and eyes of ice! Just as she described you!" smiled the chief.

Ariel was invited to stay with the Sinbad and his friends in house that the Chief had gifted Sinbad for agreeing to help his village, "Apologies for the state of the house Miss, but it was a gift from the chief." stated Ja'far with his hands in his sleeves. Masrur leaned against the wall watching them, "It's okay, I don't mind at all! I mean, I basically sleep on the floor outside, Nature has great gifts." Ariel said smiling. Masrur gazed at her smile and lost his thoughts when Ariel looked up at him making him feel uneasy, "Very well, I shall arrange for blankets and a bed." Ja'far said. Sinbad slid up beside Ariel and Ja'far with a sly grin, "But my dear Ja'far, there are only three beds, so one of us will unfortunately have to share with the young lady." Sinbad smiled, "I shall sacrifice my comfort and share a bed with her." Sinbad said. There was silence as everyone stared at Sinbad, a sweat dropped formed behind Ariel's head, "Uh, I'd rather sleep outside..." Ariel said backing away. Sinbad's face fell and he slumped over, "Idiot! Why is it you must hit on every woman that crosses your path!!!" Ja'far hissed as he hit Sinbad over the head with a pillow. Ariel tip toed to the door, "I'll see you gentlemen in the morning!" Ariel stated before rushing out of the small house. Closing the door behind her Ariel released a long sigh.

Sinbad and Ja'far were attacking one another with the pillows, "Why would you hit on her! Fuck sakes Sinbad!" Ja'far said as he repeatedly smacked Sinbad over the head. Sinbad placed his arms over his head, "owowowowow, Jaaaa'Faaaaar Sttaaaaahhhhp!" Sinbad yelled. The two continued their argument to an extent that they didn't even notice the Fanalis leaving after Ariel.

The night was so much warmer than before so Ariel decided that it would be a perfect time for her to meditate on the beach. Sitting down in her lotus position, Ariel began her breathing exercises that Master Flamma taught her.

(Ariel POV)

I kept my eyes closed and slightly scrunched my nose, it's a habit when I concentrate very hard. Breathing in and out, I start to feel my chi and magoi start to connect. I've been trying to combine the two but every time I get closed to doing that my body freaks out and I end up with a really high fever, but that has never stopped me. With my family having a long history of manipulating different elements, I am sure that I can handle a little heat every now and then.

I open my eyes and release my final breath. Leaning back on my arms I look towards the small waves crashing on the shore and the reflection of the stars in the sky. Feeling my heart grow heavy, I think back to the reunion of the three children with their father. My eyes start to sting and a few tears slip down my cheeks. Still staring at the ocean deep in thought, I hear the sound of sand moving and heavy footsteps. I turn around slightly and notice the Fanalis standing behind me with his arms crossed, Mason? Masses? "You may take my bed." Said the Fanalis. I stood slowly, "Really! It's okay, I prefer sleeping outside." I shrugged. Masrur, that's it! I realized that he had been staring at me very intensely causing me to feel uneasy. I gaze up and stare back into his red eyes only carried by those known as Fanalis, "You said you knew my people." Masrur said still staring at me, "Not myself no... But my Father befriended a Fanalis couple when I was younger and my Grandfather trained at their side." I said shrugging. I watched his eyes leave mine and fall on the ocean, "Apparently in the past, they would journey to the Dark Continent and have a gathering where our strongest warriors would battle in hand to hand combat and once that was done there would be great party. No one died or was badly injured, only tapped out." I said trying to gain another reaction from Masrur. I stood and stretched out my arms, "May I can take you to my village one day... Your kind is seen as hero's there." I smiled when he gazed into my eyes and I watched the corner of his mouth twitch, "one day... yes" Masrur stated. Smirking I turned back to the ocean and thinking, Dad would be proud to see where I am today. I've mastered many skills I set out to achieve and now I will be travelling Sindria along the side of King Sinbad. Suddenly I felt a large arm swoop around my waist and lift me up. Masrur held me against his hip, "Bed time now." He mumbled. Realizing that I was being manhandled I felt my cheeks heat up, "woah there big guy!" I said as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, "I'm staying right here!" Still tight in his grasp I wiggled and clawed at his large muscular arm, "You will take my bed." Masrur stated again. I slumped defeated, "Grrrr, If I agree to go, will you let me walk??" I tried to negotiate. Masrur stopped in his tracks before looking down at me and nodding. I sighed, "Fine...I'll go." I said defeated. Masrur placed me down and I stood dusting myself off, "You do realise that if you and I have the same strength, right?" I asked but that Fanalis smirked and raised his brow unbelieving "It's true! The only difference is that I don't use magoi but my chi!" I insisted. Masrur kept walking before me causing me to sigh again, 'I'll show him...' I thought deeply.


The ship sailed smoothly through the water as we headed to Sindria. Ja'far sat in the shade as he read some scrolls and Sinbad was at the bow of the ship, "Miss, may I ask... What exactly your doing far from home?" Ja'far asked Ariel as he kept his eyes on the scrolls. Ariel smiled at the young man that wasn't too much older than her, "I'm training." Ariel grinned. Ja'far raised a brow, "I know that... But what are you training for?" Ja'far asked. Ariel's face fell serious, "A dark power is upon us. I am training myself mentally and physically in order to be able to defend my home if ever the Kou empire locate our position or even a greater threat." Ariel said slightly cold. Ja'far nodded his head in understanding. Masrur stood with his back against the wall watching Ariel and Ja'far. Ariel walked towards Ja'far and gazed over his noted, "If I may... How am I going to repay you for your kindness?" Ariel asked. Ja'far gazed into her ice blue eyes, "No payment is required, just to learn more about your kind is payment enough." Ja'far said. Ariel's face seemed distorted, "Could I ask for a favour in return..." Ariel asked slightly embarrassed. Masrur stood listening for her request and Ja'far nodded, "I understand that your Sinbad's right hand and Sindria would be nothing without you." Ariel started as Ja'far felt flattered, "Could you teach me? If I'm to be of any help to my village, I would like to not only to be stronger but smarter..." Ariel said in a hushed tone. Ja'far seemed surprised, "I- um...I would be honored!!! I would take you as my apprentice!!!" Ja'far stated with stars in his eyes, "I will work your schedule out of course!" Ja'far continued as he started pacing along the deck, "Out of the 8 generals, I'll be sure to make sure your wish is granted to train with us all! With me, mentally but also physically! You will be like my own minion!!!" Ja'far cackled causing Ariel to retreat to Masrur, "Does he usually do this?" Ariel asked in a hushed tone, "Only when given the chance to!" Sinbad said with a grin as he landed beside Masrur and Ariel, "I think you becoming Jafar's apprentice is an amazing idea! I should make you mine too!" Sinbad grinned, "I'll have less paper work to do!" Sinbad cheered. Ariel's face fell with shock, "air-head of the seven seas" Masrur mumbled and Ariel chuckled nervously as she watched the two men before her plan her duties for who knows how long...



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Darkninja Out!

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