Chapter 5

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(Ariel outfit above)

Ariel sat on her bed waiting for her escort. Feeling slightly nervous Ariel fiddled with her clothing there was a knock at her door, "I hope it's Yam..." Ariel muttered under her breath. Giving herself one more glance in the mirror before opening the door. Masrur stood at her door with his arms behind his back. Masrur wore plain white robes without his golden chest plate. His sword was also no longer at his side, "Come." Masrur said as he started walking off. Ariel closed her door and jogged up to walk beside Masrur, "Thank you for taking me to the feast." Ariel smiled. Masrur's eyes looked down and met her Ice blue eyes. Masrur's eyes then fell on her slightly opened chest and shoulder before turning bright pink in his cheeks. Ariel lifted her brow in confusion at the Fanalis's embarrassed raction, "Are you-"

"Ariel-Chan!" Pisti's voice called from the door way. Ariel sped up and met Pisti's embrace. Masrur caught a glance of Ariel's scars on her back and growled silently... Who would have hurt someone like her?

Ariel was dragged outside where she saw everyone partying, Sinbad raised his glass and Ariel nodded. Ja'far walked towards Ariel followed by 3 young kids? "Miss Ariel, May I introduce to you Morgiana, our other Fanalis friend." Ja'far stated as he gestured to the young Fanalis student, "Its an Honor to meet you Miss Ariel, Master Masrur told me about you." Morgiana said. Ja'far noticed Masrur cough slightly, "This is Alibaba, the Third prince of Balbadd" Ariel bowed slightly, "Prince Alibba." Alibba rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, it's just Alibaba Miss Ariel." Alibaba smiled. Ariel straightened and watch a small figure with blue hair approach her while bouncing from one foot to another, "Wow Big sister you are so-"

"Not this Kid AGAIN!" Ariel yelled as she moved her arms around causing a gust of air to shove Aladdin against the wall, "Touch me you little shit and I'll-" Ja'far interrupted, "uh and that um is Aladdin... the magi..."

Ariel's face turned white with shock, "I'm sorry... Did you just say that kid is the Pervet- ih I mean magi?" Ariel panicked. Ja'far nodded, "How many other girls breasts have you harassed you little pervert!" Yam growled with glowing red eyes. Aladdin fell nervous, "uh, well you see um... Miss Yam, I Really like girls...." Aladdin confessed. . Ariel's expressed a tick mark on her forehead, "He and Sinbad have more in common than they think." Masrur mumbled gaining a nod from Ja'far. Aladdin rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm really sorry Miss Ariel, I didn't mean to make you angry." Ariel stood with her arms crossed over her chest with her cheeks flushed, "You are forgiven Young Magi, but if you EVER Perv me again, I swear that I will pull the air from your lungs!" Ariel growled with blazing red eyes and heat slightly escaping her body. Alibaba stalked towards Aladdin and pulled him away from the angry woman. Masrur raised his brow at the slight heat that emitted from Ariel's body. Yam smiled innocently at Ariel, "I like this girl!" Yam grinned pulling her towards the feast table.

Ariel's mouth hung at the different types of food before her. Ja'far held out a glass of wine towards Ariel, "Here, try Sindria's homemade wine." Ja'far smiled. Sinbad came towards the two and raised his chalice, "To the new addition to my Kingdom, Welcome Ariel from the Elemental Island of the ancient manipulators. We are all to treat her as our own citizen." Sinbad announced to all his generals and people who all held up their glasses in honor of Ariel's toast, "Hear Hear!" Everyone cheered taking large gulps at their wine. Ariel smiled nervously and bowed to everyone. Ariel bought her glass to her nose and sniffed the red liquid. Masrur and Ja'far watched the blonde girl carefully, When Ariel eventually bought the alcoholic drink to her lips and swirled it about in her mouth. There was a gagging sound and Ariel spat out her wine. Sinbad's face paled at Ariel's sour face, "What the fuck is this?" Ariel gasped as she grabbed a cup cake and peeled the icing off onto her tongue. Masrur broke into a small fit of laughter and Ja'far covered his mouth with his sleeves . Ariel's eyes widened before she bowed her head, "My apologies King Sinbad... I mean no disrespect, it's just..." Ariel bit her bottom lip, "I'm more of a beer kind of girl..." Ariel confessed. Sinbad smiled, "I understand 100% Miss Ariel" Sinbad smiled. Sharkkan rushed towards Ariel's side with two pints of beer, "A girl after my own heart!" Sharkkan yelled grabbing Ariel by her waist and handing her the beer, "Let's party!" Ariel and Sharkkan cheered with their glasses raised .

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