Chapter 6

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Ariel sat up in her bed in the early hours of the morning. The birds had just begun their chirping and the kingdom of Sindria have started their day. Ariel dressed into her casual clothes before slipping out towards the Sindrian forest.

Ariel smiled as she lifted her face to the sky, "I get the feeling that today is going to be great." Ariel sang, "How do you know?" There was a sudden voice. Ariel shrieked and tumbled back, "oh.. Masrur, I didn't see you there." Ariel breathed. Masrur nodded, "I'm here for our sparring session." Masrur stated. Ariel's eyes widened, "Now?!" Masrur nodded, "you said-" Ariel raised her hands, "woah! I'm not dressed for training." Ariel muttered as she watched Masrur crack his neck, "ugh... fine, just give me a minute..." Ariel said stepping back. Masrur watched as Ariel pulled the bottom of her shirt up to be tied just below her chest. Ariel felt Masrur's eyes on her and then proceeded to tie up her hair into a high ponytail exposing all her scars.

"Let's do this Red" Ariel smirked.


Ja'far walked peacefully down the halls to his office. He wore a large grin as he thought about his day with his new assistant. Sinbad greeted Ja'far, "You look awfully happy today?" Sinbad asked worried. Ja'far had stars in his eyes, "I finally don't have to deal with all your crap alone!" Ja'far sang causing Sinbad to act hurt, "But I always do my paperwork!" Sinbad complained as Ja'far opened the door to his office, "No, now it will be us three working toge-

The earth suddenly trembled causing Sinbad to fall on top of Ja'far, "What was that?!" gasped Ja'far

*BBOOOMM* a sound of thunder filled the palace, "Uncle Sinbad, what's going on?" Aladdin came running up with Alibaba beside him, "I have no idea, maybe we-

*CRASH* Alibaba grabbed Aladdin, "It's the end of the world!" Cried Aladdin and Alibaba as the earth shook again.

Morgiana walked casually towards the men who stood in panicked, "Master Masrur and Miss Ariel are sparring in the forest." Morgiana said almost bored. Sinbad stared at Ja'far before they both took off into the forest.


Masrur blocked Ariel's kick to his ribs and pushed her off. Ariel fell back onto her feet and raised her fists again, "Not Bad for a Fanalis..." Ariel smirked. Masrur nodded with a slight smirk, "I guess our strength is equal." Masrur stated as he relaxed. Ariel grinned, "What? That was just a warm up!" Masrur's face fell, "Excuse me?"

Ariel rushed at Masrur with the help of a burst of air slamming into his form. Masrur stumbled back shocked, "What? Did you really think I was giving my all?" Ariel giggled at his face. Masrur stared at her blushing slightly, "At least, this time we are clothed." Masrur mumbled. Ariel's face whitened as she realised that she was on top of Masrur after her attack. Jumping up and getting distance between them Ariel felt herself blush turning her back towards Masrur, "let's continue!"


Ja'far, Sinbad and Morgiana ran towards the forest to put a stop to the destructive behaviour. When Sinbad arrived at the location where the two were sparring, his eyes widened at the amount of magic emitting from Ariel, "She truly is...a-" Ja'far rushed over to Ariel, "She is going to destroy this place if we don't stop her!" Ja'far squealed. Ariel was suddenly trapped by Ja'far's Household vessel, "Um, what the?" Ariel asked confused. Masrur relaxed his arms again and faced Sinbad, "I believe that is enough for today Mas..." Sinbad said simply, "Master Masrur, you and Miss Ariel have great strength! Please train me so that I can be just as strong as you!" Morgiana asked gazing between the two. Ja'far released Ariel, "Why do you immobilise me?" Ariel raised her brow confused, Ja'far bowed apologetically, "Sorry Miss Ariel I-" Ariel shut her eyes annoyed, "Enough with the MISS! It's Just ARIEL! No mam, no miss, no lady, Just ARIEL!!!" The blonde haired woman growled causing everyone to retreat behind Masrur. Small sparks emitted from Ariel's clenched fists gaining Masrur's attention. Ariel calmed herself when she took a deep breath and opened her eyes that slightly seemed to flicker from red to her usual blue. Ariel's bracelet began to glow when Yoso's annoying voice filled the air, "What's with all the noise!? I liked it better when your heart rate was screaming in my ears when you were on top of the Fanalis!" Ariel's face paled... Sinbad and Ja'far gained large grins and giggled before Masrur stood behind them glaring.

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