Chapter 4

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Ariel stood at the railing of the ship as she watched the waves roll by. The moon was full, the sky clear and the air warm. The waves rolled towards the ship and then crashed lightly against the wooden base. Ariel manipulated a small bubble of water towards her and placed it just above her palm, "hmm, the water is really warm here." Ariel whispered before blowing slightly on the bubble causing it to freeze forming a ice ball. Fang stood beside her watching the ball, 'Why does that sphere fascinate me so much?' Fang asked as he kept very close eye on the ball of ice. Ariel smirked, "it's your instincts... FETCH!" Ariel laughed as she tossed the ice ball to the other side of the ship. On instinct Fang chased after it and bought it right back to Ariel, 'again! I- uh mean... what the heck just happened?' Fang questioned. Ariel grinned before scratching Fang behind his newly healed ear, "Seems like there is a pup in you that has missed out on the playful side of life." Ariel whispered. Fang's eyes softened, 'I never got to p-play...' Fang's voice was soft. Ariel smiled at her new friend, "That's going to change. I promise." Ariel kissed Fang's ear causing the large wolf to shiver at the new found affection.


"LAND HO!" Yelled the captain as the ship approached Sindria. Ja'far, Masrur and Sinbad stood on the deck as they watched their Kingdom creeping closer, "Home..." Masrur sighed. Ja'far smiled, "I hope our new guest is ready for the warm welcome." Sinbad said smiling, "Have you got something planned?" Ja'far asked standing beside his king, "A feast, to Welcome Ariel and to introduce her to the others. I want her to feel most comfortable here." Sinbad smirked. Masrur raised his brow, "I'm proud of you Sin, taking her comfort into consideration." Ja'far smirked, "And yet she has not fallen for my charm!" Sinbad shrugged, "Although, I guess the chemistry is more between the redhead and herself." Sinbad snickered teasing Masrur who just responded by rolling his eyes.

Ariel strolled out from the cabins and found everyone on deck very excited, "I can finally see my baby girl! Oh I hope she loves the small gifts I got her." Swooned the captain as he stood beside Ariel grinning. Ariel gave the captain a gentle smile, "How long have you been from home?" Ariel watched the Captain as he counted the time on his fingers, "Almost a month dear..." The Captain walked off towards a few crew men barking orders before talking to Sinbad.

Ariel's eyes set on the approaching land of Sindria. Gazing with wide eyes, "Why are you smiling like that?" Masrur's voice asked from beside her. The wonder of Sindria possessed her so much that she didn't even realise she was smiling like a total idiot, "I um, I was just um, I remembered something really funny!" Ariel blurted out before rushing away from the fanalis.

Ariel POV

"Oh my word.... What the fuck is wrong with me???" I mentally scolded myself! Why is it that I get nervous around this guy? He's just a fanalis Ariel! Screw your head back on! Since when did I ever get nervous by a guy? Then again.... he is kinda cute...

"Miss Ariel?"

Normal POV

"Miss Ariel?" Ja'far repeated as he watched the young girl pace the bow of the ship, "ARIEL!" Ja'far screamed causing Sinbad to shriek and Ariel to fall over, "Glad that I finally have your attention. King Sinbad will be having a feast in your Honor tonight. You will be able to meet the other Sindrian generals. I will have the tailor tend to you for wardrobe for the party and our apprenticeship... HOW DO YOU LIKE GREEN?" Beamed Ja'far, Ariel giggled nervously, "uh, I'm more of a ocean colour kind of girl." Ariel took a step back before bowing slightly, "But thank you Ja'far. I am truly grateful for your assistance." Ariel smiled causing Ja'far to blush slightly.

The large wooden boat came to a harsh stop at the port. Ariel fell in love with the country before her. The people were smiling and selling their goods, children were playing around without a care in the world. A group of people stood at the port bowing their heads, "Welcome Home King Sinbad!" cheered the group. Ariel watched closely as Ja'far and Masrur walked behind Sinbad who grinned at the few people before being tackled by a large man with blue hair. Ariel remained on the boat, she still didn't fully trust these men so just waltzing off a ship would be really careless. Masrur turned towards Ariel and gazed into her ice blue eyes. When Ariel met his heated gaze she gave the fanalis a small shrug before taking a slight step back and clenching her fists. Masrur noticed that she was feeling uneasy and took a step back towards her causing Ariel to stiffen lightly. The large fanalis stood before Ariel and extended his hand, "You'll be fine. I give you my word." Masrur said low enough for Ariel to hear. Ja'far stood and watched the two behind him, "hey Sin..." Ja'far nudged Sinbad in the side as he spoke to his generals, "Who's that with Masrur?" Asked a young tan male with white hair, "That my dear Sharrkan seems to be Masrur's candidate for marriage and children!" Hinohoho laughed slamming his large hand into the back of Sharrkan. Ja'far rolled his eyes, "No you big dummy! That's Ariel, she's an elemental manipulator. Sinbad and I ran into her at the village." Ja'far smirked at the Fanalis. Sinbad slid beside Ja'far, "Actually, she ran into Masrur, she practically had him on the floor!" Sinbad laughed along with Hinohoho. Pisti ran over to the bridge of the boat, "Hey Mas! Grab your Girlfriend and bring her down here so that we can all meet her!" Pisti yelled. Spartos giggled, "oh, that's going to piss him off." Yamraiha gave them a small smile, "enough! Let's all try our best to make her feel welcome." Yam said.

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