Chapter 2

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Ariel ran as fast as she could, the rush of the air brushing through her hair gave her the feeling of being free and controlling her own destiny. Ariel turned to face the village she had just left, "Seems the people have returned to their homes." Ariel whispered.

(Back in the village)

In a small closed off room we would find, Sinbad, Ja'far and Masrur. Sinbad sat on a matt before the village chief and the others stood by the door, "I thank you King Sinbad for coming to my villiage." The Chief said cheerfully. Sinbad nodded, "Sindria is always willing to lend a helping hand to those betrayed by the Kou empire." Sinbad said. The chief nodded, "Then let us get down to business.


*Ariel POV*

It's been an hour or so since I left that small village behind. Think back to the men who stared at me, I couldn't help but wonder what shocked them so much? I mean I helped their friend back up and apologised, but still... That red hair and his scent... Strong, silent and forestry? Must be a nature guy. But I can't think about men now, get your head right Ariel! This hill top gives me an amazing view of the village, such a small village but with so much potential. Maybe that is why King Sinbad has come to them.

I came around a boulder and stumbled on three children giggling as they played in a shallow pool of water on the beach, smiling I decide to go down and greet them. They all seem to be under the age of four, "Hello little ones." I call as I walk towards them, "Hello beautiful lady!" Replied the small boy with big green eyes and black hair. I stood before the three and smiled before noticing that there was no other adults than myself, "Where are your parents?"I asked looking around. The little girl then ran up to me, her blue hair swinging in the air, "Our daddy is having a meeting with King Sinbad so we came to play." I smiled, "Well, you must all stay safe" I said placing my hand on the little boy beside her with brown hair. I smiled at them before continuing my journey, "Bye bye beautiful lady!" They all called to me in union.

I walked to a rocky part of the beach and gazed out at the ocean, "so beautiful" I smiled. Suddenly my gold braclet started to glow, "What is my beautiful Master up to?" Echoed Yoso's voice. I rolled my eyes, "Admirning the Ocean, Would you like to see?" I asked Yoso as I lifted my arm to the sky, "It's beautiful, but if I may, I sense dark magic. I fear those adorable drool taps are in trouble my Queen." Yoso's voice echoed and then disappeared. I looked towards the direction where the children where and heard screaming, "NO!" I cried before taking off with a gust off wind towards them.

*Other POV*

A pack of dark shadow wolves circled the children, "Kya, I-i'm scared..." said the green eyed boy to his sister, "It's okay Kai, daddy will save us!" Kian said holding his brother's hands. The wolves circled the children and growled. The alpha stood 10 feet tall and drooled as it admired its lunch, "DADDYYYY!!!!!" Cried all three children as tears streamed down their faces.



Masrur opened his eyes and stood straight looking out the window, "Masrur? What's wrong?" Asked Ja'far as he and Sinbad looked at him, "Three children... Crying." Masrur said slowly as he listened...

*animals growling*

"They are in danger." Masrur said, "My children! They went to play on the beach!" The chief panicked, "Masrur!" Sinbad ordered. The fanalis rushed out the door.


Ariel ran straight into a dark wolf causing it to stumble into trees, "Back off... Now!" Ariel growled as she stood in front of the children, "It's that lady again!" said Kya, "Did you see what she did to that wolf???" Yelled the boys. Ariel clenched her fists as the wolves snarled at her, "Stay behind me and don't run, no matter what." Ariel ordered the children. The alpha stood from the broken trees and released a sharp howl, signalling for his pack to attack. Ariel formed a tornado shield around the children as she charged at wolf who was about to bite down on her. Catching the wolves jaws and tossing it to the side effortlessly, "Stay down..." Ariel growled at the wolf. Suddenly two wolves dived simultaneously at Ariel, but with a swift movement of her arms a large wave of water pushed them towards the forest and froze them to the ground. The one wolf that has yet to attack Ariel whimpers, "your injured..." Ariel whispered as she looked at the wolf with the bad paw and bleeding ear, "I didn't do that..." Ariel whispered before turning her gaze to the Alpha wolf whose yellow eyes were glaring at the injured wolf. Suddenly a surge of energy ran through Ariel from Yoso, "Listen to them my Queen, that wolf has bright rukh in him." Said Yoso's voice.

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