Chapter 7

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Ariel stumbled through the palace as she searched for the large Fanalis, "Masrur?" Ariel called at the rooms but there was no answer. Thinking about where the Fanalis could be, Drakon suddenly walked into the hall way, "Miss Ariel? is Everything all right?" Drakon asked. Ariel's blue eyes swam with uncertainty and worry, "Good day Drakon, I don't suppose you've seen Masrur? Ariel asked twiddling her fingers. Drakon raised a brow before smiling, "It's so happen I have. He stormed past me a few minutes ago towards the forest." Drakon said before he continued walking. Ariel bowed quickly, "Thank you!" Ariel called running off towards the forest. Drakon smiled, "Those two seem to be getting along well." 


Masrur sat beneath a willow tree in thought. Why was it that no matter what he did, she always seemed to get upset? And why on earth did his heart race out of his chest whenever she said his name or when she stood close by? Rolling his eyes Masrur's eyes fell on the horizon, it was just past noon and you could hear that the buzzing of the town was becoming quiet. Everyone was finishing off their day and returning home to their families...


All his life, Sinbad and the generals have been like a family to him, but would he one day have his own family? No, his duty was to his king, he could never be so selfish and wish for something like that.

'A Family with her...'

No, that would never happen either, she could never find affection for someone like him. As much as he wanted it, he would deny it and hide his feelings, but for how much longer?

"Masrur?" a faint voice called in the air.

The fanalis opened his eyes at the sound of her voice dancing across the wind. Just the sound of his name rolling off her tongue in such a worried tone made him want to leap up and rush to her, but yet, he knew he shouldn't let his feelings take control of him.

Her scent filled his nose, she was getting closer to him.


She had found him...

Not even moving or looking in her direction he kept his gaze forward. He knew if he looked at her it would be over and he'd lose control, but why? He's emotions have never run this wild before!

"Hey..." Ariel whispered tugging on her hair. Masrur didn't move, he sat still not looking at her. Ariel felt a tug at her heart. 

Taking a deep breath, Ariel sat down besides Masrur in silence. The two of them sat in silence for 10 minutes before Ariel spoke up, "I'm sorry about that... Aladdin told me that he was annoying you and that it happens a lot..." Ariel whispered rubbing her arm. Masrur stayed still not giving her any acknowledgment. 

Ariel stared at Masrur sadly. The wind blew softly causing her hair to flow from her shoulder. Accepting that he wouldn't speak to her, Ariel stood and bowed, "Have a good day I guess..." Ariel mumbled before making her way through the forest.


Ariel held her arms as she walked back to the palace. The air had suddenly gotten cool and the sun was setting. Taking her time and trying to keep her composure Ariel took in the site around her of the forest. Peaceful, Strong  and beautiful, 

'Just like him'

Ariel shook her head at the thought... he's not interested, clearly. Hesitating, Ariel glanced back at the direction where Masrur was, "Life isn't a romance novel... That's what mum always says..." Ariel whispered to herself before shrugging it off and walking further.

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