chapter one

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Today started out like any other day in my crazy life. My alarm went off at 5 o’clock. I woke up and got dressed. I threw on my favorite faded light blue jeans. Grabbed my red shirt that had in big white letters on the back “Moonlight stables”. On the front was a horse inside of a horse shoe with a black feather dangling from it. I threw on my cowboy boots. Then ran down stairs to grab some breakfast, before heading out to the barn to start the morning chores.

Just another ordinary day, or so I thought. I turned all the morning horses out. I threw several bales of hay into each paddock. I proceeded back into the barn to grain and hay the other horses, before I began to muck out the stalls.

I couldn’t seem to shake this gut feeling. Something big was going to happen today, I could sense it. I had no idea what, but I knew there was going to be something. For as long as I could remember, I’ve had these weird feelings. However, with the way this one had me stressing, I hoped I was wrong.

Ding my phone went off “Who would be messaging me this early?” I said aloud to midnight. Midnight is my horse, of course he whinnied back to me.

“Crap I’m going to miss the bus” I scurried out of his stall.

I was so lost in thought about this feeling, I hadnt realized how much time had passed. It was 7:26, that left me with 4 minutes to run down the very long drive to meet the bus. I ran into the house to grab my backpack, hoping to hurry out before my parents came down stairs.

I was too late, my mother was already in the kitchen. “Jezebeth don’t forget to turn in your permission slip. I laid it on the table.”

“Ugh okay mom.” I sighed and grabbed it. “Why do I even have to go on this stupid school trip?!”

“Mrs. Pepperman believes the experience will be good for you. You should be proud to even be selected for this experience only a few students were selected to attend.”

“I know, but to have to go away for the entire weekend! It’s just a camping trip. I have gone camping before. What about Midnight? What about the other horses? It’s not fair!!”

“You are going no if ands or buts about it!” she scorned back.

“Whatever! I’ve got to go, I’m going to miss the bus.” I snapped and hurried out the door.

As I entered the doors to Crestmont High, the gut feeling became stronger. Far more intense than any gut feeling I had ever felt in my entire 17 years of gut feelings. As I went to enter the office, the door opened hitting me directly in the face.

“Watch it!” I yelled. Only now I was almost sick to my stomach. That’s when I saw him, the new kid. It wasn’t a bad sick to my stomach. More like the whole I finally knew what that gut feeling was about.

There he stood, this tall, handsome stranger. My entire body felt as though it was beginning to shake. I couldn’t understand why. As I looked into his crystal blue eyes and saw his black shaggy hair. My stomach began to fill with butterflies.

“Oh my god, are you okay?!!!” he quickly asked. “I didn’t even see you.”

“Yes, I’m fine, be more careful next time,” I quickly said before rushing past him.

I hurried, so much to the point I bumped into him. I tripped and almost fell. As I grabbed the door to brace myself, he grabbed my arm.

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