chapter three

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As I laid in bed, I tossed and turned all night. I just couldn’t seem to find sleep, no matter how hard I tried. Was it excitement? Was it my nerves about all of the changes going on in my life right now?

I couldn’t seem to get Azazel out of my mind. What was it about him, that caused me to feel so drawn to him? I’ve been drawn to plenty of horses in my life, but never boys. So why him? The unknown stayed in my mind for hours, until I finally dozed off.

The next thing I knew, I was in the woods. Forest all around me. Trees, every which way I turned. The silver moon was high in the sky. It was pitch black, yet I could see clear as day. I tried to find my way out. I ran and ran. I screamed for my mom and dad. I had no clue where I was.

Then I saw them, the boy and girl. The same boy and girl I had seen earlier in the day, when I touched Azazel. They were right around the same age, 7 maybe 8.

They seemed so close. Brother and sister maybe? The little boy seemed terrified. The little girl seemed like nothing was wrong. She didn’t seem to be phased in the least bit. My guess is that they were lost. In the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night and to not even be fazed. I was shocked at how well she was handling it.

Then I heard them, the howling in the night. Wolves I thought to myself. The howling kept getting closer and closer, louder and louder. I could see it now, the glowing of their eyes, in the darkness of the night. Closer and closer they got to the kids.

“RUN!” I screamed to them. “RUN! THEY ARE GETTING CLOSER,” the kids didn’t move. “ YOU TWO KIDS NEED TO RUN! IF YOU DON’T THEY WILL GET YOU!” I continued to yell out to them.

They didn’t seem to hear me. It didn’t even seem as if they could see me. I decided to try to run to them. I wanted so desperately to help them. The faster I ran the further away the kids seemed to get.

Before I knew it, the glowing eyes had reached the kids. I was right, they were wolves. I continued to run to them. When the strangest thing happened. The little girl ran right up to the biggest of the two, no fear at all. I finally was close enough that I could see them clearly and hear what they were saying. So I decided I would stop running and just stand there listening.

“Daddy you found us!” the little girl said happily. “We just wanted to play, but then we couldn’t remember which way we came. Before I knew it, we were lost. It’s okay though daddy, because you’re here now. Guess what daddy, I remembered what you taught me.”

The big wolf growled. It didn’t seem like an angry growl more concerned and stern. The first thing that came to mind when I heard it, was a dog scolding her pups when they didn’t listen.

“When I realized we were lost I poked myself with a stick. Just like you taught us. So I could leave a trail for you to find us. Then I finally stopped walking and stood here waiting for you. I knew you would find us!” She hugged his neck and climbed onto his back.

The boy stood there not moving. Then another one came up to him. This one was much smaller. “Momma I’m sorry, I should have listened to you. You were right momma. The woods are a very scary place.” The boy did as the girl and climbed onto the smaller wolfs back.

I stood in total confusion. I didn’t understand what I was seeing. I walked closer to them trying my hardest not to make a sound. The closer I got the more familiar the little girl seemed. It felt as if I knew her.  She turned her head and I finally knew. That little girl was me. The wolves lifted their heads, howled at the moon, and away into the night they ran.

I finally turned to run myself. I wanted to get out of there. Why was I getting on the back of a wolf? Why did I call him daddy? Who is that little boy? So many questions. So much confusion. My legs had started to feel like they would give out. I ignored it and just kept running. I was desperate to find a way out of the woods. When all of a sudden, I tripped over a log.

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