chapter seven

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As we neared the top of the hill, all I could hear was the inviting cool soft whooshing sound of water. The sound was so soothing, so relaxing. The air was crisp and musty.

It wasn’t until I reached the top of the hill, that I saw the most exquisite scene I could have ever imagined. We stood at the top of a waterfall. I swear it was the most magical thing I had ever saw. Almost as it the waterfall just appeared. There was no stream in sight just the waterfall.

“This is my favorite place. I found it the night I first shifted. I didn’t remember anything from my shift. I just remembered this. Once I was old enough for my dad to let me into the woods on my own, I searched for it. It took me months, but I finally found it.”

He seemed as if he were mesmerized. Honestly, I was too. “Where does the water come from?”

“I’m not really sure. I’ve always thought that maybe there was an underground spring. I honestly can’t explain it, it’s just there.”

“It’s beautiful.” I couldn’t help but have this urge to climb down the mountain and see what laid at the bottom.

Then he continued with his plan. “Well we better get climbing. It takes about an hour to get down there.”

“Wait, your serious?” I couldn’t believe he really wanted to go to the bottom.

“Yes I’m serious. Getting home won’t take long. I know the way from the bottom.”

“Why didn’t we just go that way to get here then?” I giggled.

“Walking that way would have taken the adventure out of it. I wanted you to see the beauty from both sides. I mean I could have made you walk up the hill.” He responded laughing so hard he snorted.

We walked down the very long, very steep mountain until we finally reached the bottom. He was right it took a little under an hour. However the walk was so worth it.

“This is absolutely stunning!” I exclaimed.

We stood at a beautiful pool which laid at the bottom of the fall. It tumbled down the mountain. There was a curtain of white water, which gushed into a beautiful sapphire blue bed.  The water swooshed over the rocks joyfully.

I looked over at Azazel. I was completely in awe. I couldn’t help but kiss him. His lips were so soft. He tasted of sweet peppermint. He wrapped his arms around me kissing me back.

When the kiss finally came to an end he started to take off his shirt.

“Um what are you doing?” I asked extremely puzzled.

“I’m going for a swim. You coming?”

Of course he was going to pull my stunt on me, “Yea lets go.” All of the events of today were slowly beginning to leave my mind.

The water was very cold. In a refreshing kind of way. I was thirsty after our long walk so I stuck my mouth in the water to get a drink. It was sweet and fresh. “True mountain water.” I thought aloud.

He chuckled, and we continued swimming. We swam for a while. When we finally got out he looked at me. Almost as if he wanted to say something. 

“Well, we should probably get back to the cabins. Its nearly dark. The others should be here soon.”

“Ugh, I wish we didn’t have too. I think I have heard enough for the day.”

“I know. All of this is important. Its all things you need to know come Monday night. I promise you, it will get easier.”

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