chapter two

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We began to pull into my driveway. I could clearly see our archway that red Moonlight Stables.

“So how big is this place?” Azazel asked.

“I’m not sure on the exact size, but it’s well over 2,000 acres. Maybe even bigger. My dad doesn’t let me go out into the unmarked areas.” I answered

“Hmm well that’s weird. I wonder why.”

He says it’s because of wildlife. He has the areas I’m allowed to ride marked. I just wish I knew what the big deal was. “I said sarcastically.

“Well I’m sure he has his reasons. He just wants to keep you safe. Can’t say I really blame him there. I only just met you and I have this really strong urge to keep you safe.”

“Yea, the strange thing is, even though we only just met, I feel as though I have known you all my life. Which is so strange considering I don’t really know anything about you.” I admitted.

“That’s very true. Give it time, you will get to know me. I know I would love to get to know more about you. I just feel this strong connection with you. Like I never have with anyone before.”

We got out of the car and headed into the barn. “I’ll grab the brushes so we can get ready to go out. Which horse would you like to ride? Pick anyone you want, aside from Midnight of course.”

“Which one should I pick? I know nothing about any of them.”

“I have always believed in going with your gut. Find the horse that draws you in. Then pick the horse that picks you.”

“How do I do that exactly?”

“Come on I will show you. We will pick one out of the paddock, it will make it easier.” I grabbed his hand and led him out to one of the paddocks.

As soon as I grabbed his hand, it felt as though electricity ran through my entire body. I looked back at him to see if he had felt it too. It didn’t seem like it had, so I just brushed the feeling off, and continued walking.

I unlocked the gate and pushed it open. I pulled him closer to me. “Okay now click.” He looked very confused. I chuckled, “with your tongue. Make a clicking sound with your mouth.”

He did as I instructed and got several of the horses’ attention. “Okay now use your gut. Look at all the horses whose attention you just got. Which ones do you feel drawn too?”

“Um I suppose the brown one right there. The black and white one back there. As well as the white one over in the corner.” He said.

“Okay now go to the horses you feel drawn too. Walk up to the horse, pet it and walk away. Going to each horse. Until eventually, your right back here next to me. Whichever horse is still following you, is the one you ride.”

He once again did as I instructed until he was right beside me. Wolf was still with him. “I guess I’m riding the black and white one.”

I smiled, “this is wolf he is another one of my horses.”

“How many do you own?” he asked completely intrigued.

“Me, myself I own 8. All of the ones you felt drawn to just so happen to be mine. This one here this is wolf. The gray one over there, the one you thought was white, that’s ghost. The bay is Anastasia.”

“Huh, well that’s cool. That’s allot of horses though.”

“Yea, but I love them. I would be completely lost without them. Alright well, let’s head back in and get them brushed and tacked up.” I threw the halter and lead rope on wolf and handed it to him.

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