chapter six

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I couldn't believe everything I had just been told. How could it be true? "How could I have forgotten all of this?" I asked him.

"Well my dad believes that it was the traumatic events that happened that night. He says in most cases of post traumatic stress people choose to forget. You had no reason to remember, so you chose not to"

"You must thing I'm a horrible person. To have forgotten what your mom did for me. She risked everything to keep me safe, and I forgot about her." I wouldn't have blamed him if he had thought of me as a horrible person. Right now I was feeling the same way.

"Jezebeth, no one thinks that of you. You were a child. I was a child. If I could have forgotten that terrible day I probably would have too." His words sounded so sincere. "It just wasn't that simple for me and my family. Not only had we lost my mom, I had become and aniwaya and the youngest in my family to trigger it."

"That must have been awful. I can't even imagine." Then reality truly sank in. "Azazel, Whats going to happen to me?"

"Well as the full moon nears you body will begin to prepare for the change. You will start to feel hungrier than normal. You will be very agitated. It will make you feel as though you wish you would crawl out of your skin. Once you have shifted a few times it will get easier. To be honest I'm not sure how you aren't already feeling it."

"Well I'm not. I feel perfectly fine. Maybe more agitated, but that didn't start until we started talking about all of this. Will it hurt?" I finally gained the courage to ask.

"Yes. It will be the most painful thing you have ever felt in your entire life. The first shift is always the worst." He stated. "What I am about to tell you next isn't to scare you. I will only be honest with you from this point out. No matter what. Are you prepared for that?"

He asked me that as if it was a question. Which I knew I didn't really have a choice but to be prepared. So I just nodded my head "Yes, I'm prepared."

"Alright, well here goes." He started. "The reason the first shift is always the worst, is due to the fact that it's the first time literally every single bone in your body breaks...."

I stopped him before he could say any more. "No! I don't want this! I won't do this!" I screamed.

"I know, but its happening. There is nothing you can do to stop it. Its part of being an Aniwaya."

I got that. I really did. Didn't make it any easier to hear, let alone accept. "There has got to be something. There just has to be!" I whined.

"If there was we would have heard of it by now. We are the biggest of all the tribes throughout the world. My dad searched high and low to find answers when my gene was triggered. He found nothing."

I sighed in disbelief. "What else do I need to know?"

"When the moon on Monday reaches its apex and the shift begins, don't fight it. Every thought in your mind will tell you to fight it. The more you fight the shift, the worse it hurts. It will also make it last longer. The best thing you can do is relax and go with it."

"How long will the shift take? How long will it take for every bone in my body to 'break'?" I asked sneeringly.

"If you fight the shift it could take hours. If you allow it to happen it won't take any more than an hour. Every shift gets easier. Your first shift is the only one that you are truly dangerous. Which is why we are doing this up here. Our dads figure it is the safest place. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you had hurt one of the horses"

"Seriously! It could take hours?! I don't know if I can handle this. Azazel, I'm scared. I have never been scared in my entire life, but all of this has me truly terrified. However you guys are right. I would never want to risk putting one of the horses in danger." That was one thing we for sure saw eye to eye on.

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