chapter eight

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“Jezebeth, from the day you were born your mother and I knew you were special. We had heard the rumors and myths about a prophecy. We were all aware that no known true-blood alpha had ever given birth to an agisi. But there you were.”

“I don’t understand. Why hasn’t it happened before?”

Nikos chimed in to answer my question. “No one knows. All we have heard is the prophecy. We had all heard of it. We just had no proof that it even existed. That is until I was searching for answers, when Azazel’s gene was triggered…” he pulled out a folded up, wrinkled sheet of paper from his pocket.

“I was searching all over for a way to delay his shift. When I stumbled across a book in which I found this. It is the only known book in existence. I figured the entire book someone may miss. So I simply tore the page in which this was written. It ensured no one would ever find the proof. Only the myths in regard to it.”

“What does it say? Can I read it?” All this talk about prophecies over the last 24 hours I wanted… no I needed to know what it said.

“Soon enough.” Azazel assured me. “Tonight my dad will read it. Just be patient.”

“We tried our fiercest to find answers to the questions we had about it. However we failed in all our attempts. To the best of our knowledge the answers died with whoever foretold it.” Fathers voice sounded shaken as he spoke.

“Azazel is right. I do plan to read it. I just want you to understand that any questions you may have we only have ideas about. There are a few pieces that we have put together. There is however no true answer. Do you fathom that? It is very important that you do before we proceed.”

“Yes I do.” I retorted. I mean, it never failed anyways, no matter what anyone told me about all of this, there were far more questions. It seemed as if when one left 10 more appeared in its place.

“Let us continue then. After the incident with the half-blood we knew how bad the threat to you was. So we all decided it would be best to keep you in the dark about everything. The less you knew the better. We couldn’t have you slip and tell someone. Plus we didn’t know if any of it was even true.”

“What makes you so sure it is now?” I asked.

“When I witnessed you stop Azazel from shifting today, that was our confirmation. Only a true alpha, only a true mate is capable of this. I do not even possess that gift. Even being a true blood alpha. It is something we have never seen before.”

“Father I don’t understand why you withheld all this,” tears formed in my eyes as I spoke. “You say it was to keep me safe. However all it did was delay it. All it did was cause me to have to learn everything at once.”

“I know. I was wrong. I thought I was doing what was best.”

“Well it wasn’t for the best! I know now, and I wish I didn’t!” I was screaming now. I didn’t even care.

“Not to mention you kept my friend from me. You had no right!”

“You will watch your tone with me! I know what I did was wrong, but you will respect me. I did not raise you to be disrespectful.”

He was right. He didn’t raise me to be disrespectful. “No you didn’t. You raised me to stand up for myself which is what I am doing. I am telling you that you are wrong. This should have been my choice.”

“You are right and from this point out, you will be free to make your own choices. No matter what. You have my word.” His voice was sincere as could be.
I knew he felt bad. I knew he never intended to hurt me. That didn’t mean it didn’t still hurt. That didn’t mean I understood why he did it.  I decided to nod I wasn’t really sure what to even say at this point.

Daughter Of The Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें