chapter four

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As we entered the school the halls were cluttered with kids going to their lockers. Gathering all the things they would need for their first period classes. We walked past my locker. Which on a normal day I would have stopped at grabbed my chem book and went to Mr. Ross's classroom. However with the trip today there was no need to stop at my locker. So we just continued walking.

We finally reached the office. As I pulled the door open, my mind wondered back to the vision I had yesterday when Azazel and I touched for the first time. Then the dream was back into my mind. I felt as though what I saw was a memory. I mean why else would I have gotten a glimpse of the two of us as kids in the woods. Then there was my dream the same exact glimpse of what I saw, only more.

"Jezebeth, are you coming?" Azazel asked me. I hadn't realized, I had completely stopped in the middle of the doorway.

"Oh, yeah I'm coming. I was just thinking about everything this weekend may bring." He grabbed my hand and led me into Mrs. Pepperman's office.

She wasn't in there yet. So we sat at the two black leather chairs, while we waited for her to arrive. We were only in there a few minutes when she walked in.

"Jezebeth, Azazel good morning. Are you two as excited for this weekend as I am?" she asked. We both smiled and nodded in response.

"We have so many things planned for this weekend. Also as it turns out the other students that were selected couldn't make it this weekend." She said sounding disappointed.

Azazel was the first to speak, "Mrs. Pepperman since it will just be Jezebeth and I, I figured we could just ride over in my car and meet you there. There is no sense in taking a whole bus."

"Very well then Mr. Huntington. Is this okay with you Miss. Nightingale?" she asked me.

"Yes. It is perfectly fine with me."

"Well then, I have a few things I have to finish up here this morning. Why don't the two of you head over there, I'll meet you there. Azazel did your father show you the spot we will be spending the weekend?"

"Yes. It's the spot out by the lake, at the cabins. Speaking of which he wanted me to let you know that the cabin for the adults has been prepared. He figures the students would benefit from the experience of getting the other one ready ourselves."

"How thoughtful of him. Well you two head up there so you can get your cabin prepared and ready to go. I will see you in about two hours." She told us cheerfully.

We stood up and headed back out into the parking lot. I finally decided to say something. "Two cabins? One for adults and one for the students? Does that mean we will have an entire cabin all to ourselves?" I asked him.

"Yep, sure does. Is that alright with you? If it isn't I can grab a tent from my house and stay outside."

"Oh god no. I don't want you to sleep outside. I just can't believe my father is allowing this." I was surprised as ever that the same man who got upset yesterday about a trail ride was okay with us sharing a cabin. However I was also relieved to share a cabin with him alone.

"Well like I already said, us being together won't be an issue after the weekend. Your father actually approves of us being together. It's a long story that will be explained this weekend."

"So is the entire trip really about me?" I asked dumbfoundedly.

"Yep pretty much," he smiled at me when he answered.

"I'm anxious to understand why everyone is going through so much trouble in order to put this together just because of me."

He laughed, "And boy am I excited to explain it all to you. Well not really to explain it to you. Just for you to finally understand. It'll be nice to not have to watch what I say around you.

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