chapter ten

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As I opened my eyes, the light glimmered through the gap of the chocolate and burgundy black out curtains. I could hear the bird singing outside. I reached over onto the nightstand by the bed to check the time. My phone red 6:46.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to start the day. However I knew there was no way I was going to fall back asleep. I carefully tried to worm my way out of Azazel’s grip, trying my best to not wake him. All of my effort to do so were completely useless because he awoke.

“Good morning. Did you sleep alright?” he mumbled

“Well the dreams stayed away if that is what you are referring to. How about you?”

“Oh me, I slept great. Better than I have in a long time actually.” He sat up and stretched. “How are you feeling about today?”

“Honestly I’m not looking forward to it in the least bit. I discovered so much yesterday. How is it possible that there is more?” I asked gloomily.

“Trust me, it doesn’t matter how much you acquire. No matter how much is learned or how much you hear you will always learn more. I have been an aniwaya for 10 years now. I still learn new things. I mean up until yesterday I had absolutely no clue that my mom was your dads original beta.

“Yea, I don’t get that. Why didn’t anyone ever tell you that?”

“My mom is kind of the subject no one really talks about. We honor her ever year on the anniversary of her death. However that is it. Only on that day is she brought up. Your dad believes the best way to honor the dead is by allowing their memory to rest in peace. Aside from when bringing the dead up is necessary of course.”

I believed what he said. It explained so much. Mainly it told me why he got massively depressed every time he spoke of her and the horrible thing that happened to her.

“Oh okay, I can understand why he would feel that way.”  I didn’t want to make him continue discussing something that clearly hurt him so I decided to change the subject before he could respond or say anything else.

“Well we should probably get around for the day.”

“Yea your right. We should head out and see if anyone else has arrived.”

I stood up out of the bed, grabbed my duffle bag and headed into the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth this intense sense of hunger hit me. A hunger in which I had never felt before. It has got to be the nearing full moon, I thought to myself.

I quickly threw on my clothes. I slid the brush threw my hair and exited the bathroom. I needed to go find food. I pulled my phone from my pocket to check the time. 7:52 nearly 2 hours until breakfast. There has got to be something left from last night’s supper I stated mutely.

“Hey Azazel where did they put the food from last night?” He was already dressed and at the sink in the kitchen brushing his teeth.

“I think they may have put it in the cabin with your dad. He should be awake though. I was thinking of going to heat something up myself, just let me put my stuff away and we will head over together.”

I nodded in response. I was still unsure if I felt up to talking with my father just yet. But I needed food so I had no choice but to suck it up and deal.

As we headed out of our cabin I saw that the sun was already high in the sky. It glistened over the lake. Causing it to sparkle almost as if it was coated with glitter.

“Can we go swimming in the lake today?” I questioned.

“Of course. We can go after breakfast. There probably won’t be much time before that.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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