Sweet Bonding

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N - Nichkhun of former 2PM

W - Wooyoung of former 2PM

N - I'm constantly over here to defend you buddy and never let anyone stand in our way to success.

W- I'm unready to accept your love, buddy, especially since we are just starting becoming famous in our debut.

N - I respect your decision. Whenever you are prepared, I merely wait for your straightforward answer.

W - Many thanks for your understanding. Hyung, are you getting weary here?

N - Certainly not. What are you doing then?

W - Do you want to have a karaoke with me?

N - Here we are at this thing again. *disapprove* Your neighbors don't want any disturbance here. I'm sure of it. My singing ability goes to zero for every performance. In which way I was assigned to become a rapper instead.

W - Beyond a doubt. Hmmm... I only just want your voice to be known here. Hahaha!

N - Think of those people outside, will you?

W - That's what you said. You're gonna miss this opportunity.

N - Not even my greatest moment yet.

*Dinner is done*

N - Where do I place these bottles?

W - There's a door at the back of my house. Go outside and look at those bottle cases besides where you place Sojus. I have to wash the dishes so it won't be a hassle for us to arrive at JYPE on time.

N - *All is set* Done! Should I stay outside your house for a while? A scenery of the beach in your province gives me a refreshing vibe.

W - *Responsibility accomplished* I'm glad you love our environment. I'm also done cleaning those dishes and stuff here in the kitchen. *go outside and hug him*

N - Aww! You are the best, buddy. I indeed want to stay longer with you. *lean on his chest*

W - Yes, you may stay if we have a day-off or a vacation that has been approved by our company.

W - They are not harsh to us anyway. *watch the view*

N - Since the weather is cold outside. Your warm body makes me feel better.

N - *glare* Do you like me? *place the hand on his chest* I hear your beating heart. *smirk*

W - *take this hand away* I have no feeling for you!

N - You're lying. Haha! Give in yourself to me.

W - How romantic! *roll eyes*

N - *look away* Fine!

W - Hahaha! Why are you so lonely?

N - You're making things complicated. You know what? 

W - Ahm... I don't wanna know.

N - Gosh! Okay! Okay! *scratch forehead* Storytime! *intertwine with his fingers* How many years had you trained before turning into a KPOP idol?

W - It took seven fricking years. 

N - *get surprised* Woah! I'm just being fortunate.

W - *crossing arms* Therefore, you are fewer than mine, didn't you?

N - Correct. I did in a short time. Two years.

W - What the heck! That's unfair!

N - Thank yourself that you had many experiences than I did.

W - I guess you should call me a Hyung then. Hahaha!

N - You wish, pathetic boy!

W - Call me that again.

N - I won't tell you.

W - Say it!

N - To tell you the truth, I became envious of your advantages.

W - Don't ever say that. Without you, my life will become dull.

N - Share me your knowledge then.

W - Limited edition only. Just kidding. I will help you turn into a stable idol like me.

N - Cool! Thanks, buddy!

W - You're welcome.

N - Yeah!

N - Next is where we live. Since I know your address now, my residence was in Bangkok, Thailand, which represents the capital city.

W - Woah! Too far from my province. I wish I can go there with you. Your nation's culture and also the food cuisine are the things I should've learned.

N - We have to save money for my hometown. You know. *whisper* It's expensive.

W - Oops! *cover mouth* Sorry for that!

N - Next time. I will bring you with our team for our reunion.

W - I miss them so much. Brrrr... It's getting colder here. We have to go inside.

N - Wait! Don't let me go.

W - As if I'm leaving you for good. Nevertheless, your warmth soothes me well.

N - Nothing more than that?

W - Nothing.

N - Damn! You've said to me during our trainee days that you want to be a chef someday.

W - Yes. Unfortunately, with my limited budget, this is where I am today.

N - I see. For many years to come, you will achieve your dreams. I can instruct you how to cook Thai Omelette and Pad Thai if you want.

W - Thank you for your kindness. Of course, I require your help. Well. *look at the watch around wrist* We have to sleep for another promotion.

*Wooyoung sleeps on his room while Nichkhun lays on the sofa at the living room*

*weeps have been heard after*

N - *concern* *rub his arm* Are you frightened of the dark? Allow me to stay by your side until you get enough sleep. *wait for a permission*

W - Very well, please! *granted* I can't sleep without someone only like you.

N - Only me? *confuse*

W - Definitely. Do we have a problem with that? *stare*

N - No, I'm just curious.

W - Enough of that. Let's sleep already.

N - You won't be afraid anymore as long as I'm here. *aegyo*

W - You're adorable. Hug me Hyung.

N - *hug* Goodnight Wooyoungie.

W - Goodnight Khunie Oppa. *hug*

*sleep in silence*

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