Trinity Connection

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N - Nichkhun of former 2PM

W - Wooyoung of former 2PM

C - Jung Chanwoo

T - Taecyeon of 2PM

M - Minjun of 2PM

J - Junho of 2PM

S - Chansung of 2PM

*breakfast is done*

J - *curious* *ask Nichkhun and Wooyoung* Have you been in a relationship? *kiss Chansung's lips*

S - What is that for, Hyung? You will be on a ride of my romantic nature. *tickle attack*

J - Stop! My booty is shaking

S - *tap the bouncy* Yeah! Like that!

N - For so many years from the time we met. *pinch Wooyoung's nipple*

W - Awww! Stop assuming! *slap his arm*

T -  *interrupt* Cut it out, guys.

M - *whisper to him* Would you tell them also our relationship?

T - *nudge the arm* Not now, Minjun.

M - *pout* I don't like secrets.

T - *ignore* Alright, teammates. We will start a game which is old but still popular these days. Are you ready?

S - What is it? Spit it out!

J - Yah! *pinch his cheek* Respect us! Will you?

S - Ouch! *rub the affected area* I'm sorry. *kiss his cheek*

T - Do it later, okay? I have a box of pepero stick. *show them those cookie and cream sticks from the box* The first couple who will finish the stick will wash the dishes on Wooyoung's house.

M - That's unfair! Change your rule! 

T - *smirk* How unfair is that? The longer time, the better sensation. Get it?

N - Oooooh! I love that kind of new rule. I'm in!

W - Me too! *raise one hand*

S - May I pass? I'm always hungry on those sticks!

J - *hug* *massage his top of the head by a knuckle* You won't get away with this game, Baby.

S - Aaargh! Okay! Okay! I will join!

M - *clapping* *excited* Because all of us are into this game, I will start the countdown. Ready?

2PM - Yes, we're into this!

M - Alright! 3... 2... 1... Go!

*But the game changes into a romantic sensual sensation*

*Ignoring the rules which the trio couple are into delicate warm kissing*

*Hot and wet at the same time*

*Chanwoo opens the door unaware of this hot moment*

W - AAAAAHHHH! What the heck! Dr. Chanwoo, please, knock on the door first!

C - Oh, my! Too sexy and provocative!

N - Whatever, doctor! *pout*

C - Your body. The shape. The color. The levelness. Yummy!

J - Ahm... Spend your time with the lover of your life later.

S - He may watch our scenery.

J - *poke* You're not funny.

C - I have one too, who is Yunhyeong. Such a sweet and manly man. 

C - Sorry for disturbing you. But I have to check Nichkhun's condition today.

W - Should you guys leave? *signal them out*

J - Hehehe... *pull Chansung outside with him* *open the door* Let's get out of here.

S - See you again.

T - Call us when it's over. *holding hand with Minjun*

M - Bye!

*door is closed*

C - *sigh* Next time. Get your own room.

W - I apologize for any inconvenience in this hospital.

C - I should also be the one who will tell him the result.

N - What is he talking about, Wooyoung? *shrug him slowly* Is this something you've been talking about my condition in private?

W - *tears* I just can't say anything. Forgive me.

N - Where are my documents then?

C - *show the envelopes* Open them and you may know the answers.

N - *look at him* *confuse* *stress* *carefully open* *read every detail* *shock* *depress* Am I going to die? Doctor? *crying* *grip those papers*

W - *comfort him* I told you Dr. Chanwoo. It's not his time to know this situation yet you don't follow my command! *point to the door* Leave! Before I smack your face with these documents!

C - He has to know his condition! I've found a terminal disease which is Leukemia. Blood cancer! A final stage! *look at the patient* Nichkhun, you have to accept your fate. You're gonna be dead.

N - *cover ears* Stop! I don't wanna hear this anymore! *collapse*

C - *shock* Emergency! *staffs have arrived* Take him to an intensive care unit! Immediately!

W - *hit his back* I despise you, Chanwoo! How dare you hurt my husband?

C - Oh! So he really is your partner. Well, take care of this brat! Hmph! *low tone voice* I hate stubborn people!

W - What did you say?

C - Nothing! I have to save him again!

W - I trust in you.

C - *smile* Of course, I may make another miracle today.

2PM -  *speechless*

T - This is ridiculous. *scratch forehead* A doctor with a bad attitude. 

M - Wooyoung. What happened?

W - *show Nichkhun's documents*

M - *open those envelopes* *look at documents* Impossible! Leukemia! *sigh*

S - Show the results to us

M - Here! You can't his worst condition! *cry* *hug Taecyeon*

T - *comfort him* *look at results* *shock* Is there any treatment left for Nichkhun?

J - *read those papers* 4th stage? Not even a chance! I feel sorry. I wish we should know this better before to prevent this.

W - My husband will have a long life. I promise with my presence!

*they're waiting for Nichkhun to release after the emergency treatment*

*after several hours, he's back again alive but still sleeping on his bed*

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