Identity Crisis

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N - Nichkhun of former 2PM

W - Wooyoung of former 2PM

P - Jay Park of former 2PM

T - Taecyeon of 2PM

M - Minjun of 2PM

J - Junho of 2PM

S - Chansung of 2PM

*Junho meets Jay Park and Wooyoung at the entrance of the hospital*

J - *worry* What took you guys so long? Nichkhun is waiting for you, Wooyoung?

W - We're just making Chanwoo speak about what he was doing to my husband. Unjustly, someone shot him drop dead.

P - *continue* Yeah! Out of nowhere. And then when we're inside the bus, those anonymous men in a black suit with a white mask took him in the van.

J - *disappoint* *sigh* There is someone behind this severe torture they've caused to Nichkhun. I hope that person will be caught immediately before a sneaky attack happens again.

W - I'm not afraid of who that culprit is. Better show himself instead of using innocent people.

P - But Chanwoo is not that kind of innocent kid.

W - *nod* I agree. Whether he denies those accusations or not, a criminal is still a criminal. We should find clues in details with a valid information. So the investigation team will do their job effortlessly.

J - You're thinking that the suspect is CEO Jinyoung. *assurance* Same for what I believe of your story.

W - *belief* He surely is the one since he's using Chanwoo as a bait in turning Nichkhun into another persona.

P - You still have the evidence, right?

W - Yes. Minjun returned those to me after. *show them*

J - We have to examine what are the dangers may cause by that chemical. In the meantime, *look at him* you have to take care of Nichkhun until he recovers. Understand?

W - Sure. *smile*

J - Let's go inside. That man hates waiting.

*they arrive at Nichkhun's room*

N - *notice Wooyoung* *excited* *happy* *jump on him into a hug* Wooyoungie! I miss you already. *look at doctor and 2PM* Should we get away from these unknown people? *puppy eyes* Please, I wanna go home with you!

W - *release* What is wrong with you? *mad* These are also my friends and brothers. *show them to him* I don't understand why you just forget about them after the incident.

N - *pout* Nothing's wrong with my development. I'm still your husband anyway. I can't cope with them. *pull him away* Come on! No more arguments!

W - *take off his arm* *hands on waist* You have changed! I hate that kind of attitude of yours! *push him gently to bed* Just stay there and you will become normal.

N - *disgust* Normal? *pause* Are you discriminating me right now? Huh?! I was waiting for you so many years to come back from the day you left me in childhood years at Thailand. And now... *tears form from those eyes* You're leaving me again. *sad* *depress* *self-blame* Huhuhuhu... Huhuhu... WAAAAAAaAaAAAAHHHH! AAAHHH! I HATE MYSELF! *slap* I AM JUST A WORTHLESS PIECE OF GARBAGE! *another slap* *outcry* WAAAaAAAaAAHH! NOBODY EVEN CARES! NO ONE! WAAAaAAAAHH! *slap repeatedly*

W - *cover face* *shame* *stop him from hurting himself* *comfort him* *sit beside* I'm sorry, Hyung. I shouldn't give you any more problems. *pat his back* You always take responsibility in solving the issues and controversies in our group. *hug him* *let him sit on the lap* *face him* Moreover, you do take the blame for all the hatred and misunderstandings of the other fandoms. *wipe off his tears* I take it back. I can't stand hurting yourself because of my foolishness. I apologize. *kiss his forehead*

N - *doubt* *look down* *low self-esteem* Huhuhu... Huhu... Huhuhu... Maybe I'm turning childish. *look at them* *notice their behavior* *glare* GO ON! LAUGH AT ME ALL YOU WANT, BASTARDS!

W - Shhhh! Lower your voice. *pat his back*

T - *serious* *disagree* Certainly not. We're concerned about your sudden change behavior.

S - *defense* I think he doesn't have to change. Even though, he acts like a six-year-old child. A cute baby. *soft laugh* *smile*

M - *thinking* This song may settle him down. *singing a lullaby song* *swaying* Rock-a-bye, baby on the treetop.

P - *follow* When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.

T - *follow* *continue* If the bough breaks, the cradle will fall.

W - *singing" "sweet calming voice* *swing him gently* But mama will catch you. Cradle and all.

N - Hmmmmm... Thank you for staying beside me. *yawn* Sleep with me, Wooyoungie. *kiss his cheek" Goodnight. *asleep*

W - Whew! *look at them* *smile* You've done well, guys. *yawn* Wake us up when we're having a dinner tonight. I only want a homemade cooking. Nichkhun still has to eat nutritious foods.

M - All right! Do you have a key to your house?

W - *take a bag* *open it* *find the key* *found it* *give it to him* Here. I don't want any mess when we get home, okay?

M - *take it* *put in a pocket* *pat on a chest two times* Of course, we will make sure no one's gonna make your house dirty.

N - *wake up suddenly* *head tilt* *direct* Why are they still here? I don't want any strangers inside.

W - Awwww! *calm voice* *close his eyes* *return* *pat his back* *make him asleep* You will know their names tomorrow, Hyung. Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you. *glare at them*

S - *nervous* Woah! I'm not gonna bite him either.

P - *head shrug* That's what lovers do... I suppose.

M - *wave hand* See you again later. Take care of him for us.

W - *mad* Don't exclude me here. I'm the only one he knows.

S - *hands on pockets* *approve* Fine. At least, he must get along with us too soon.

M - *elbow his arm* Never give him any stress or any memory of a tragic incident. His presence is what only matters in our group.

P - Well, it's time to prepare our dinner preparation. So long!

*2PM get outside to cook at Wooyoung's home*

*leaving the two inside the room*

N - I can't sleep. May we take a picture of ourselves? *hold his arm* *look at him*

W - *blush* Why are you acting this way? Soooo... childish. *chuckle*

N - *turn away* go back to sleep* Ah! Don't you want it? Okay. *smile* Goodnight.

W - *scratch the temple of a head* No, I just want you to stay like that until you have become a better person.

N - *kiss his lips* *release* Does this passionate kiss make me feel a better person?

W - *shock* *speechless* *cover the mouth* *giggle*

N - What? Are we gonna stay like this for a long time? *angry pout*

W - *thinking* My heart is beating again although you are a different person.

N - *kiss him again* *release* I'm still the same person two decades ago. *embrace him* My HusWife really loves me so much.

W - And you always do love me. Wait a second. *take the phone in a pocket*

N - *immediately takes his phone* I gonna take a photo of us.

W - Hahaha! *doubt* *crossing arms* You ain't gonna do it.

N - *smirk* Let me show you how it's done. *face the lens together* Break our tragic events with a smile on our beautiful face. Here we go! 1... 2... 3... Say beam!

N - Beam!

*photo is taken*

*they go asleep*

Artificial Buddy "Revamp"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें