Incoming Disaster

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N - Nichkhun of former 2PM

W - Wooyoung of former 2PM

N - *sing loudly* Geunyeoui ipsureun masisseo ipsureun masisseo! 10jeom manjeome 10jeom!

W - *wake up immediately by that sound* *confront him* I know you've missed also our former group but I hope you have to sing earlier in karaoke. Enough of this mess.

N - Now, you tell I'm a bad singer. Hik! *holding a bottle of liquor*

W - Hyung? Stop it! *take the bottle away from him* Have you had enough sleep earlier?

N - I'm having so much fun. Don't dare prevent me from my entertainment! Hik! Those bottles here? *show them* I bought them at the store so you don't have to...

W - *take all of them away* You're drunk... What time have you been in the living room? Damn! Don't go home in your uncomfortable condition.

W - *notice him change the expression* Are you mad now, huh?! It's almost four in the morning *point at the clock on the wall* And you have some endorsements and schedules to attend for this morning!

N - *shock* What?! I hate being late! Wait here, Wooyoungie. *minutes of preparation and on the way with a baggage* I have to take some important things at our company.

W - Not without my permission, buddy. *block his way* I'll call on our CEO that you shouldn't go. I'll just say that you have things to do here. Bring them down. Please.

N - I disagree *gently push away* because of the fact that we are having a decent living today. *poke* If I have to leave those meetings, several articles will be on the news and I dislike those rumors.

W - It doesn't matter. *take the baggage* We met this rumors before and brush them off. *concern* Your job is important but I mostly care about your own safety.  *place him on a seat* Sorry, but I won't let you go this time.

*Nichkhun doesn't follow his command* *again, with a baggage* *attempt outside*

W - Aren't you listening, Hyung?! *hold him back* I told you I won't let you drive alone in your condition. We don't even have a manager. Better behave yourself. *phone has been taken in a flash* Yah! That's mine! Give me back my phone!

N - *hide in a pocket*Just let me drive. I'm in a hurry.

W - No! Return to my house now! Take some rest. *chase him*

N - *run away* Why won't you allow me to do this opportunity for us?

W - For your own safety, buddy. Let me be your driver until you can drive, okay?

N - Are you sure you can drive a car?

W - Of course, trust me. I don't have any record of the accident.

W - *Nichkhun go inside the vehicle* Stop it, Hyung! One more time and it's over between us.

N - *reasoning* I'm just trying to start this engine, even with a fuel left. *vehicle won't work* *kick it* What a piece of garbage!

W - *push him away at the back seat* You're just being paranoid. I'll show you. *vehicle starts*

N - Amazing man! You're really an expert in those vehicles. Let me give you a kiss. 

N - *gets his ear pinched*  Ouch! You are turning dominant. *massage the area* It hurts.

W - And what if I am? Hyung! *pride* You're absolutely drunk. I won't let you drive this poor vehicle.

N - It's because of you, silly! *dare to become a driver*

W - *stop him* Then tell me what did wrong to you. *silence* I guess, I'm right this time.

W - *smile* So let me drive.

N - Okay? *play fingers* *sarcastic laugh*

W - *stare* Are you insulting my driver license? 

N - *pat his shoulder* *let him drive* Certainly not. Go on. Do your thing.

W - Hmph! Take this bottle of Morning Care for you. Drink it to make you relax and lessen your hangover.

W - I do not want them to see you drunk. Those articles will go crazy when you appear.

N - *receive* I will not let you get hurt, Saranghae. *drink*

*stop at the intersection while leaving the hometown*

*a tragic incident occurs*

*vehicles out of control*

*one of them approaches*

W - *Nichkhun opens the car* What are you doing?  *gets pushed out of the car*

N - You're safe now... *then it happens at a sharp slam*

*a vehicle is spinning on the loose until it slams on the other vehicle*

*open the door*

*step outside slowly as continuously walking towards Wooyoung*

*the body of a bloody injured person suddenly drops on the road including an agonizing bloody pain*

W - *go to him* *hold his hand* Stay alive, Hyung. I'll call an ambulance to get you to the hospital.

N - I want to rest Wooyoung. *giving up?*

W - Stop with your nonsense! *pat the face softly in repeat* Fight for your life.

N - It hurts, buddy. I can't take it anymore. *can't resist* AAaAaAaaAaaAAAAHHH!!! The pain!

*People are taking pictures and videos of the incident without any help*

W - Is this all that you want? *turn those people back* *push them away* Submit articles about us? Quit! Quit! Quit being an ignoramus! *stomp* Please help us rather than doing this nonsense!

N - *wave hand as disapproval* We are labeled as celebrities so there's nothing we can do but to accept this, *hold back* Ouch!

W - They are too much.

N - Leave them alone.

W - Ne, Hyung.

*ambulance arrive*

*Nichkhun has been taken on a stretcher inside the vehicle*

N - *notice the sorrowful tears coming from his face* Look who's the crybaby again. *soft chuckle* You told me to live. I am still breathing. *belief* Relax. *rub his knee*

W - Relax? *denial* You're not fine! Huhuhu... Huhu... Huhu...

*vehicle arrive at Bumin National Hospital*

*patient is taken out with an immediate care*

N - It's not your fault. *has been brought by doctors inside the intensive care unit* I saved you because I don't want you to get hurt.

W - Do not give up, Hyung! *alone while waiting for the miracle*

Artificial Buddy "Revamp"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz