Chapter 3- Work, Work, Work

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River's P.O.V

By the time I wake up both Gary and Hein have already left for practise. Fortunately they were so kind to make me some breakfast that I only had to heat up again, but that was the only good thing they left me.

My shift starts at 10, but usually it's a bit earlier. Seeing as I am the girl and that girls are meant for 'cleaning' the guys probably decided that I should clean their breakfast fiasco since I'm working later today. Knowing Hein he probably ensured that the kitchen was extra messy to allow me to 'improve' on my 'cleaning abilities'. I also know that Gary probably hated the idea of leaving the house messy, but in the end he hates cleaning to he left anyways.

By the time I was done it was close to the time my shifts starts. Unfortunately for me, I still had to get ready and in the end had to practically run to the small coffee shop, Steam. As I stepped inside, the familiar smell of coffee instantly filled my senses along with the mindless chatter of customers.

I walked past several tables before entering into the back where the employees could get ready. The whole concept behind the coffee shop was for customers to build their own coffee instead of choosing from the menu. Several coffee stations lined the walls and I could already make-out the regular customers standing in line. Today I had to be the one to add the artwork with cream on the coffee if it's requested. This was something I failed miserably at the first time, but here I am two years later and I still have my job.

"Morning River," a friendly voice greets from behind, making me jump slightly and spin around to face the culprit.

"Really Joey," I scold whilst glaring at the brown haired guy standing at the door. He also was dressed in the blue uniform with a black apron tied around his hips.

"Yep, anyways Daisy wants to speak to you before you start your shift. I'll be working behind the till today," he states before walking out to leave me alone once again.

Daisy was our boss, a friendly middle-aged lady with beautiful red hair and chocolate brown eyes. She could be described as one of the best bosses in all of the world, but she would be too humble to even accept that compliment. As I stepped into her small office, the smell of lavender floated through my nose. Her office was plain and only had a desk with a few extra chairs and a small bookcase which holds several of the records from the shop.

"You called," I say with a smile and watch as she looks up from her laptop and gives me a small smile in return.

"Ah yes. Come sit," she gestured towards the two seats in front of her desk and I quickly follow her instructions."You're probably wondering why I called you in."

"Yeah,"I reply slowly. My hands were placed firmly in my lap as I was playing with my fingers.

"Well, seeing as you've been working here for a bit over a month I have decided to start giving you the night shifts. I know you've been asking for a while now and I can truly see that you're a hardworking young lady. Also you'll probably enjoy your shift partner a lot more than Joey."

"Wait, how come Joey doesn't get to do night shifts. He's been working here much longer than I have," I ask curiously as my fingers started to ache from the constant pulling and cracking I've been doing in the past few minutes.

"He's just not ready to be left alone here. The employees working night shifts are the ones I trust most, because I'm not around during that time. Most of the younger folks come in at night and it's often better for them to see your face at the till than mine," she chuckled softly at her own joke, "Now you go and get on with your work. I'll be emailing the schedule to you by tonight and please don't worry about staying up too late. When the semester starts I take your time table and extra curriculum activities in consideration," she gave me one last smile before gesturing me out the door and continuing with her work on the laptop.

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