Chapter 14- Quotes and Surprises

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I walked into the kitchen the next morning, fully dressed and ready for the day. Dad told us yesterday that we were going to play Putt-putt today and then he has a surprise for us.

"Morning," I say with a chirpy voice to my dad who was currently making us each a bowl of cereal.

"Morning Pumpkin, here is some cereal.  We better get going soon, don't want to waste your day here."

"I know dad and I'm sorry that I'm leaving tomorrow already, but school will be starting Monday and I need to make sure that I have everything," I sighed and sat down to eat my bowl of cereal. I was halfway through the bowl when Tim came strutting into the room dressed into short jeans, flip flops and a Superman T-shirt.

"I'm ready to fly into our adventure," he says dramatically and raise his one hand into the air, but leaves the other on his hip just like Superman. He stays in that pose for a few seconds before he drops both arms, gives us both a toothy grin and joins us at the table."Who's going to win today?"

"I am," Dad states cockily, like always. He seems to be under the false impression that he is the putt-putt king, because he won the Putt-putt trophy in his Freshmen year. It was a little tradition for the town to host a festival were several competitions, like putt-putt, takes place and the winner is crowned and give the trophy that is passed on annually. My dad entered for the fun of it, ended up winning and now he claims that he is the putt-putt king.

"Yeah right," I mumbled and take the last bite of my cereal, standing up to place it in the dishwasher.

"Challenge accepted," Dad states while raising one eyebrow along with his hand hand. He looked a bit creepy to be honest and from the frightened look on Tim's face I knew that he thought so too.

"Ok, now that we have settled that I think it is time that we go to the putt-putt course," I say with raised eyebrows, stepping out of the kitchen and walking to the bathroom to go brushing my teeth.


In the end, Dad won the game and I came last. Worst of all is that I'm supposed to be the hockey player among the group and here I go and lose a game of putt-putt to a guy that hadn't done any sport since his senior year of high school and a 7 year old that runs around with his underwear on his head. Not one of my best moments to be honest.

"So I have one last surprise up my sleeve," Dad informs us as we climb into the car. I look up at him from the back seat (loser has to sit in the back) with my eyebrows raised in question."But you have to be blindfolded," this only made me more confused and for a moment I was about to refuse, but the tie was already placed in my lap along with an order to put it around my head. With a reluctant sigh I picked it up and wrapped it around my head, making a tight know at the back.

The world around me turned dark and I could feel that several strands of hair got caught inside of the knot, but it was too late for that now since the casr was already moving forward. Tim was happily singing along to the Beatles and my little brother's loud voice surely didn't stop my dad from joining. Soon the car sounded like a funeral for a cat was happening inside and I wished more than anything that the blindfold made me deaf as well.

The car only came to a stop once the song had ended and I couldn't have been more grateful. On instinct my hands moved up to my blindfold, but the sound of my dad ordering me against it stopped my actions and cause me to slump back into the seat in frustration. What was so magnificent that he couldn't just allow me to see it for myself? This better be something good. The car door was yanked open beside me before my dad's callused hand wrapped around my forearm and guided me from the back of the car.

"This is going to be so much fun," Tim said with a lot of excitement in his voice, his feet jumping up and down as he said it. I rolled my eyes behind the blindfold, allowing every step I take to be guided by my dad's faithful hand on my arm.

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