Chapter 21- Stormy days, sick calls and glasses at study sessions.

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"So class, I would like you to complete this project for Monday," my professor said. Several people groaned and glared at him, how did he expect us to do a 20 page project over a weekend.
"That will be all, you are dismissed." I sighed, picked up my notes and walked out of the class.

The short break had soon ended and Alex had to return home. We trained every single day and he would constantly reassure me that the coach will give in eventually since I was too good to not play. We were playing a league game tonight and I was hoping with all my heart that I could play. Coach informed us yesterday that the captain's will be revealed before the game and that their first act will be to choose first string for the game. Problem was, not all of the guys like me that much.

The humid air surrounded me as I stepped outside, the sky was dark and gloomy with a chilly wind sweeping through the buildings. I pulled my jacket closer to my body and started walking home. Hein and Gary still have class and I refuse to wait for them despite the weather. Students swarmed around and I saw several familiar faces clutching onto their jackets and rushing to their cars before speeding away.
I sighed softly as I continued walking until I felt something soft and wet falling onto my head.
I looked up and groaned as several more followed and soon it was pouring. My clothes were soaked and my feet sore as they pounded against the sidewalk until I hear a honk from behind me. Spinning around I saw Ryder leaning out of his car slightly and waving me over. His hair and clothes now soaked. I looked behind me, realising that I still have a long way to go before I reach home and I immediately turned around and rushed to his car.
Warmth enveloped me once I was inside and I have never been so grateful to see Ryder in my whole life.
"Thank you," I breathed, I was still shivering slightly. I saw him give me a glance and then he put the heater on, still not saying anything to me. His fingers lightly tapped against the steering wheel as he drove, but I didn't give it much thought as I tried to warm myself up as much as possible.

We were driving for a while when I realised we weren't on our way home anymore. "Uhm, Ryder?"
"Yes," he said, his voice sounding scratchy and his nose blocked. It was then that I finally looked at him and realised he was sick.
"Wait your sick! Why aren't you at home?"
"Cause I'm taking you to get food, I'd much rather be at home than driving you around," I instantly closed my mouth, realising that he's even more grumpy cause his sick. After a few more minutes we pulled up in the McDonalds drive thru and ordered something to eat.

Once we got our food we started making our way home and left each other without another word. I knew that I would be home alone for the whole weekend anyways since Hein and Gary were going home this weekend, unfortunately I couldn't join them.
I made my way into the apartment, running to the shower and making sure that I dressed warmly. I took something to ensure that I don't get sick from the rain before I sat down on the couch, balancing my food and watching New Amsterdam.Halfway through my episode Hein and Gary came, grabbed their bags, kissed me goodbye and left me all alone. Both had offered for me to stay at their house for the weekend, but I had a few things to do and I didn't want to go home when my dad wasn't there to brighten my day.

Somewhere throughout my fifth episode I fell asleep  but was woken up by my phone buzzing.
"Hello," I answered without checking the caller ID.
"River?" A voice cracked on the other side. I heard a few coughs before the person talked again," Is Hein or Gary there?"
"Yeah," he coughed again and I swear it sounded like he was dying.
"No they're not. Why? Are you okay? You don't sound so good."
"I don't feel so well, but it's fine I'll just call someone else." He coughed once more, his breathing becoming shallow and his nose whistling softly.
"No, I'll come." I quickly stood up, the phone still firmly pressed against my ear as I rushed to my room. Grabbing a few things to take with me before leaving.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." He replied after a while.
"I'm already on my way. Is your door open?" I asked just as I reached his door.
"No, I'll go open it," he groaned as he got up and made his way towards the the door. It took him a while to actually open the door and once it was opened I nearly cringed at the sight. Ryder was standing in sweatpants and a hoodie, shivering while he leaned against the door for support. His nose and eyes were red and puffy, his eyes closing every now and then. "Oh River, you're here," he spoke and it sounded worse than what it did over the phone. I placed my phone in my pocket and moved forward, placing one arm around his middle to support him as I moved him to the couch.
Several tissues and pills scattered the coffee table. I placed him on the couch and wrapped him in a blanket before taking his temperature. He was heating up, but clearly he was extremely cold. I gave him some medicine, made some soup and a placed a hotwaterbottle on his stomach. I grabbed a few extra blankets, wrapping him in them as well and making sure he was fine until he fell asleep.
Once I knew he was fully asleep, I placed his medicine on the table and grabbed a blanket and pillow for myself before curling up on the one seater beside him. It took me a while to drift off, but slowly I faded into a dreamless sleep.
"River," a soft voice spoke from beside me. I felt my eyes slowly fluttering open alongside with the stiff feeling in my neck. "Come on, wake up."
"Ryder?"I asked, my eyes failing to open until I realised what happened."Ryder!" I yelled shooting up and looking at the couch where he was laying. "How you feeling?" I questioned quickly, he looked better. He wasn't as pale anymore, but I could see he was still fairly sick.
"Better, but not great. When did you even get here and why?"
"You called me."
"Did I?"
"Yeah, you called looking for Hein or Gary to come and take care of you but they're not here so I came instead. I'm actually not surprised that you can't remember, you were pretty confused last night." I explained, standing up and wrapping the blanket around my body as I shuffled to the kitchen. I made us both coffee and went to give him his medicine. He never spoke, his eyes merely watched my every move as I took care of him.
Silence was enveloping us for a while now as we sat and drank coffee, but neither of us spoke. Ryder was staring at the blank TV and I was thinking of excuses to leave him.
"Thank you by the way," he mumbled after a while, looking up to meet my stare. His eyes still looked slightly dull, but I could see the hidden appreciation sparkling inside.
"I better get going," I mumbled under my breath and standing up from my seat. I placed my cup in the sink, saying a quick goodbye to Ryder and making my way back to my apartment. The apartment was cold and silent, a living morgue for me to spend the rest of my weekend. I walked to my room, grabbed my books and made my way to the living room. I neatly placed everything around me and started reading over the assignment we were given.
After about an hour of working on the assignment a knock was heard on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Ryder. Can I come in?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought of him willingly standing outside my door right now. "I have food," he added and without second guessing my decision I jumped up and opened the door for him. He was dressed similarly to last night, but he looked a bit more awake than he did then. He was proudly holding on to two boxes of pizza with a book bag slung over his shoulder. I grabbed the boxes and walked to the couch, leaving him to enter at his own time.
"Why are you here?" I asked, placing the pizza on the table and turning to face him. He has now taken refuge on one of the couches, his body sinking into the soft pillows.
"Well, I thought that since we both are alone this weekend and we both have that project due for Monday that we can keep each other company."
"Are you in my class?"
"Yes, I just sit at the back in the corner. I don't like to be seen.
"Where's Cassie?"
"At a friend's house. She is staying there for the weekend." He explained, crossing his arms over his chest. His muscles bulged underneath the shirt and I wonder how I had never realised how fit he actually was.
"Okey, we can do the project but I want complete silence. Now which pizza is mine?" I question eagerly, grabbing th two boxes and opening them to see what's inside. "Oo wow, three cheeses my favourite."
"I know," I heard him mumble softly, but I chose to ignore it. I place the other pizza in front of him, grabbing my laptop and continuing with the project while I eat pizza. Ryder sits quietly and eats his pizza, after a while I see him place the box back on the table and grab his book bag.
"Stupid glasses," he grumbles, making me look up to see him retrieving a pair of quite nerdy glasses from the floor and putting them on. Despite the name the glasses make him look extremely attractive and not even close to a nerd.
"I didn't know you wear glasses." I stated, cocking my head to the side as I studied him.
"There's a lot you don't know about me, Belle."

Those were the last words we spoke to one another before we both dove into the impossible task of doing our projects.

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