Chapter 6- Alex Dawson

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To be honest, I was mad. I was enranged about this whole thing with Gary. We never spoke during breakfast this morning nor the car ride to practise. Hein was doing his best to keep our spirits up but nothing good came out of it anyways and eventually he just joined the silence that seemed to envelope around us.

"Run 5 times to the 25 line and back. You will be doing 3 sets. Go!" I yelled and sat down on the hard astro while the boys were running. I knew they were all cursing my existence in their heads by now and I knew I had pushed them over the limit today. It also didn't help that I was a grumpy mess the whole time.

Coach was absent today and therefore I had all the authority. This also meant that I abused my power. Instead of doing the fitness exercise I had planned, I simply drilled them until the first one threw-up and now I was starting to cool them off a bit.

"Ok, that's all for today. Grab your stuff and leave," I mumbled and watched as all the guys walked towards the clubhouse to fetch their stuff, not one of them missing the opportunity to first throw a hard glare my way and walk off. None of them had enough energy to talk back and throw some ugly comment my way. Even Ryder was quiet for once.

"Come on," Hein mumbled behind me once everyone left. I quickly locked everything before I followed behind them. Their steps looked robotic and stiff, and it didn't help that their shoulders were slumped forwards slightly. I felt a pang in my chest at the sight I had created and that's when I realised how right Gary had been. I had always sulked over stupid things, especially hockey related, when they didn't go my ways, and then I expected Gary and Hein to magically come and make my day brighter. The realisation only increased the pain I felt and I absolutely detested the feeling of regret. I hate making stupid mistakes and unfortunately it was time to fix this one.


The car ride home was awfully silent, it was so bad that Hein even turned off the radio. Neither of them dared to speak to me and to be honest I don't think they wanted to. By the time we reached the apartment I couldn't wait to get out of that car and nearly sprinted up the stairs. I immediately jumped in the shower and allowed the water to caress my skin.

I could hear the two boys walking around the apartment. Their soft footsteps felt like a hammer in my head. I really needed to fix this. Gary and I rarely fought, but when we did you always ended up like this. Hein has a tendency to want to talk about everything that is going on which makes it easier for him to sort out an argument. Gary on the otherhand ignores the subject of feelings and would rather hit his hand with a hanmer than talk about the things he feels.

I quickly stepped out before walking towards my room. By the time I stepped inside the shower was on again and I knew one of the boys had gone in after me. Coach had given the guys off for the rest of the week due to some family emergency he had and I was oddly enough glad about this. Maybe I could spend this weekend trying to say sorry to the guys.

Sighing to myself, I dropped the towel and changed into some sweats and Hein's old T-shirts. He had accidentally left it at my house once and I refused to give it back ever since. Once I was dressed, I stepped out of my room and saw Gary making his way into the bathroom. The sound of pans banging against one another could be heard and I knew Hein was starting to make dinner.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the kitchen. Hein was standing behind the stove barefoot and in only a pair of sweats. His muscular back was facing me and I could see his hair glistening in the light.

"We can just order something," I say softly making him turn around to face me.

"I'd rather cook," he replied impassively before turning back around to continue what he was doing. I sighed softly and was about to turn back around and head to my room, but his voice stopped me. "River, I don't know what happened with you and Gary but you seriously have to figure it out. I don't like this silence nor do I like that it is hurting our relationship as well. Therefore I would like you to figure this whole thing out. I don't know what Gary did or what you did, but I'm not going to sit hear and try speaking with two grumpy ass messes that are ruining my mood. Now, here's what's going to happen: you will first come and give me a hug before you order us something to eat because we both know I actually suck at cooking and after that you will go and fix this whole thing with Gary before I burst a vein." I chuckled softly before stepping into his outstretched arms which enveloped me immediately. Warmth filled me and it finally felt like I could breathe again.

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