Chapter 8- Killings, Fights and Shift partners

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"Kill him!"

"River, quickly."

"Kill kill kill."

The controller felt sweaty in my hands as my finger danced over the buttons. Their constant chanting filtering into my brains and I could already feel my heart frantically beating as I looked at the screen with pure concentration. This was one of the most intense games I have ever played, but I still knew that I'll kill him.

I was slowly busy to sneak up on his character and when I finally got the shot I pressed the button with a dramatic flare and watched as I was declared the winner. A frustrated sigh was released from beside and I turned towards Ben with a big smile.

The guys were cheering now and surprising enough even Ryder looked happy at my win. I felt a sense of pride flowing through my veins at the sight of his smile.

Apparently Gary had invited the guys over to show them that I'm not a horrendous bitch, his words not mine, and according to Hein I had to stop moping around and actually build a bond with the team instead of seeing them all as the evil in my life. After I had calmed down about the whole ordeal, we ordered some food and I kicked River's ass in Call of duty.

It was then that they all started egging Ben on to play me, who apparently played online and everything.

"River is definitely the new champ. Well done," Ben said with a smile before shaking my hand. I returned the smile and was about to thank him, but the sound of the doorbell interrupted me.

"Must be the food," Gary reasoned and stood up to open the door. As expected it was indeed the food and I could hear the air filling with growling stomachs as the guys stared at it with lust and longing. I rolled my eyes at their ways before I stood up to go and help Gary carry the food. We had decided to get a mixture of different take out foods and I could already see Coach complaining about our unhealthy diet.

We placed the food on the coffee table and it astounded me how they attacked the food like a bunch of hungry vultures. Each one fighting harder than the one before to just get a bit of food and I could clearly see that it won't be enough. I watched their content faces as each now had something in hand, but the food was nearly finished and they were clearly still hungry. Without taking something for myself I stepped into the kitchen and started heating some leftovers and frozen pizza that we had.

Whilst doing this I hummed a soft tune to myself as the booming laughter of the guys seeped into my ears.

"You have to eat as well you know," I hear an all to familiar voice say from behind me. I turned away from the oven to face him with a frustrated expression.

"I know, but I'm first being a good host and then I will eat."

"Here, I saved you a burger." He placed the burger onto the counter with a stern look on his face as he urged me to eat it.

"Gary, I will eat once I'm done. Calm down," I replied with a sigh before turning towards the oven and looking at the progress of the pizzas.

"River, we're not doing this again. You know you have to eat. I'm not going to let-" I cut him off sharply half way through his sentence

"Let me fall back into depression where I stopped eating. Yeah I remember that, but what I also remember is that it was over 3 years ago now. That basically indicate that you can let it go now. Please just look at the pizzas, I'm going out. I'll be back before my shift starts." He was about to protest but I had already stepped out of the kitchen and was walking towards the door with determined stepped.

"Yo River, where you going." One of the guys yell as they see me walking to the door. I took in a sharp breath having completely forgotten about my duties as a host, but I turned towards them with a smile nonetheless.

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