Chapter 13- Home Sweet Home

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The sound of Bad moon rising was floating in the silent air of the car. My hands were places firmly on the steering wheel, eyes casted ahead and head bobbing softly to the beat of the music. I was currently driving home with Hein's car, he ha d decided to let me borrow it instead of me having to take a bus back home. Unlike Gary's car, I had to thoroughly clean the car from all its odours.

My dad couldn't afford to buy me a car and therefore I was stuck either carpooling, lending or as a last resort driving the bus back home. I know that he wishes he had more money and the ability to buy me that car, but some things can't be helped in life.  When I turned sixteen I didn't expect him to buy me anything, but one morning I was busy cleaning his room and found a jar stating: River's car change. By the sight of it alone my heart had warmed and I appreciated him a lot more. I really love my dad.

"I see a bad moon rising," I sang softly, driving into the small town I call home. Our home was located on the outskirts of time, causing me to reach our driveway almost immediately. My dad's car wasn't parked in the driveway, but the pink bicycle leaning against the garage door led me to believe that Tim was under the care of Bethany, his babysitter. I park the car, leaving enough space for my dad's car in the process. My bags were seated on the backseat, but I decided leave then as I stepped out of the car.

The garden looked like it was abandoned and one could clearly see that my father hadn't made the time to actually spend time on the garden. I opened the door and stepped inside, the  house seemed a lot messier than usual and for a moment it didn't feel like my home anymore. "I'm back," I fell into the eerily quiet house to no one in particular. The patter of footsteps broke the silence and in came Tim, running with a big smile on his. He was missing one tooth at the front and had the bright blue eyes. To be honest, he didn't look sick at all. As he came to a halt before me, I saw his babysitter stopping at the patio door and dropping her hands to her knees. She was clearly chasing him.

"Hey bud," I smile and kneeled down to his level. There was no runny, red nose, no puffy eyes and no blanket tightly wrapped around his small body. He was faking it the whole time. "I thought you were sick bud."

"Riri shush," he whispered loudly and pressed his dirty hand over my mouth." They shouldn't find out that I'm not sick otherwise they're going to make you go back."

"So you faked being sick to get me back. What kind of 7 year old are you?"

"A genius one," he said cockily, pressing out his chest slightly like a superhero would do. "I used red crayons to make my nose look runny, I walked around with a blanket and sprayed some water on my face to look all sweaty and stuff." He looked extremely proud that he had managed to pull this off and I had to give him credit for it even though the crayon story sounded a bit unrealistic.

"Bethany!" I stood up and walked into the kitchen. She was standing beside the tap with a glass of water firmly in her hand. Her hazel eyes were wide and her cheeks were extremely red. The lazy bun she had made this morning with her flaming red hair was now standing in all different direction.

"Yes," she breathed, taking another gulp of water.

"You can go home, I'll be here for the rest of the week so you don't have to babysit," she looked very relieved at the sound of this and hurriedly finished her glass of water, grabbed her purse and nearly sprinted out of the door.

"Can we bake pancakes," Tim immediately questioned once she was out the door. He was sporting a toothy grin and looked way to eager for this.

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon, Bud. We can't bake pancakes now," he didn't seem to care about what I was saying as he grabbed the cookbook and looked for the picture of three pancakes neatly stacked on top of one another.

"If you were here earlier then we could've made pancakes. So now you have to make me pancakes," he placed the recipe in front of me, grabbed an Ice lollipop from the fridge and sat down at the island to watch me work.

"You really know how to get down to business quickly," he only gave me a mischievous smile from underneath his Icie. I shook my head at him and started  grabbing the ingredients from the cupboard. I was actually glad to be back, it hosted as a distraction from all the things that could go wrong back at school. Ryder has also become a problem, he seems to be under the impression that I had now invited him to practise with me every single night and that it is his duty to drive me home afterwards. I had tried everything to get him to leave me alone, but true to his word Ryder would always do everything and anything to annoy me. The only plus side of this would be that he at least has good taste in music.

The pancake-making seemed to pass by quicker than I had thought and it wasn't long before I was flipping the lasst pancake and Tim was sitting happily in his chair with pancake crumbs littering his face. I only chuckled at him and threw a wet cloth at his face, but to my dismane he catched it. I grabbed a plaste from the cupboard and stacked my pancakes on before joining Tim at the table.

"Kids? I'm home," my dad's voice sounded in the air, followed by the door slamming shut. I jumped up from my chair, leaving my pancakes behind and sprinted to the front door. He was standing in his work uniform and looked slightly exhausted. I tackled him in a hug once I reached him, relishing the sound of his laughter as his arms wrapped around me. He kissed to top of my head and mumbled a short greeting.

"Daddy," Tim came running in and jumped into Dad's arms once I had stepped aside.

"Well well well, someone doesn't look sick anymore. Must be something to do with you sister coming to visit."

"You knew?" Tim and I said simultaneously. Tim looked slightly guilty once my dad nodded his head and he immediately started to apologise profusely.

"It's ok, I was missing River anyways so it all worked out. You should really learn how to aply nose crayon better though. It would've believed you, but the small piece of crayon sticking to the side of your nose gave you away." My dad explained and I watched in satisfaction as Tim's cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

"So, gamenight?" I questioned, Tim immediately sprang out of my dad's arms and ran with a lot of enthusiasm to the board game cupboard. "I'm assuming that is a yes," my words made Dad chuckle. Shaking his head at me and joining Chase on the living room floor with Monopoly already unpacked between them.

"Come on Riri," Chase orders and pads the door beside him. A small smile makes its way onto my face and I walk forward to join them.

I felt a small tug on my heartstrings as Chase starts handing out the money- which Dad is instructing him to do. I really feel happy and for the first time since I have gone away I knew that everything would actually be alright.

"Riri, you will be the hat. I will be the dog and Daddy will be the ship." Chase instructs and places those three items on the starting block. He places my money and the property cards in my lap, takes the bank for himself and hands the dice over to my dad.

"Wait, we need something to drink." I say before my dad can throw the dice. Both of them nod in agreement, telling me to stand up and get us something. I reluctantly stand up and walk into the kitchen, grabbing three glasses and the jug of lemonade from the fridge. I walk back into the living room, but just as I was about to sit down again I was ordered to make some popcorn as well. With a loud groan I spun around and walked back into the kitchen, grabbing the packet from the cupboard and popping it into the microwave. As I mean against the counter I see something that brings a smile to my face.

On the kitchen island stands a neat stacked of cold pancakes, dripping with syrup but still untouched. I had been so caught up in my family that I had completely forgot about my pancakes.

It was then that the microwave beeped.

Another one. Sorry it's a bit short.

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