Chapter 16- Kisses, Ice cream and Life Stories

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Daisy had asked if I could work tonight and so I ended up awake late into the evening with only a football jock as company.

"Wait so your telling me that Hein and Gary left a five year old alone in an apartment while they were babysitting. That's insane." Derek leans back in his chair with a smile on his face, he clearly finds this funny while I was stuck waiting for them to return with my food. They only came later, both carrying bags full of my favourite food. I had instructed them to clean the fort, call Ryder to apologise and then they are allowed to eat. The first thing I did upon reaching Steam was to tell Derek about their stupidity. I left out the part that it was Ryder's little sister since I have picked up that they clearly don't like each other.

"You ready for school on Monday?"

"I guess. I'm just stressing about the hockey league. The league is only starting in two weeks, Alex is coming in two weeks and I'm not playing." I look up at him and see a look I cannot decipher, looking down I mumble,
"Sorry I'm only talking about myself now. You ready?"

"No it's fine. I like it when you talk, but I'm ready for this semester. I'm super excited to study Forensics," I didn't know that, I thought he was only here for football and that he would only study something so that he can get into the football programme.

"How was your trip home this weekend?"

"Oh it was amazing. We went to the putt-putt course and I got to see my old team, we went to the diner there. It was sad to leave though, but I'm still glad I'm back." I babbled with a grin on my face. He was looking at me with a small smile on his face, his features softening as my eyes met his. He started to lean forward slightly, my eyes widening. His face was only a few inches from my and I could see he was still looking for permission. I looked at him bewildered and then suddenly he grabbed my face, pressing his lips against mine. I've been kissed only once in my life before, it was seventh grade and Joe Proctor had done it for a dare.

A feeling of disgust surged through me, pushing his hands away I leaned back and stared shellshock at him. "I'm sorry. I-" he tried to explain, but my stern voice cut him off.

"Don't you come here with stuff like that. I barely know you and then you come and do such things. That's really just- I don't even know what. I'm leaving now, see you next time." With those final words I grab my things and walk out of that place. I understood why he suddenly felt the urge to kiss me, but I really thought that he would be the first friend I make here. Clearly not.

The night is quiet as I walk through the streets. I'm wandering now, my mind in a million places. I've past by the apartment several times now, but I refused to go in. I knew that once I was laying down in bed my mind would sound like a rollercoaster and I couldn't have that.

Why did he kiss me?
I thought we were friends, aren't we?
Boys never kiss me.
Didn't he see the real me?
The one that no one sees as the girl of the gang.
Am I really that revolting?

I couldn't stop it, my mind was a whirlwind and an aggressive one. To be honest, I liked the idea of having a whirlwind as a brain; it could be the reason I don't have to think before speaking.

"River?" A deep voice breaks my whirlwind, my heart hammered as I turn towards the strange voice; hoping it's not Derek. It was Ryder. Irritation seeped into me at the sight of him. Why was he here? I didn't need to stupid knight to come and save me. I can save myself. "What are you doing out here?" He questioned confused.

"Thinking," I reply immediately but regret it as I have now given away my secret.

"About what?"

"Nothing that concerns you," once again I reply without taking a breath.

"Ok, why don't you go home?"

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