
926 22 55

Hey guys, sorry but I'm back and breathing. Anyways I just need someone to talk to.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone but... how does it feel like when your parents get divorced? How would you choose a parent to go with?

Now the only reason I'm asking is because my parents have been fighting recently and a while ago my mom and I were talking about my dad. For the past three months at the most randomest times he'll tell her that "it's not you, it's me" and my mom doesn't know what he's talking about.

My dad does seem depressed so my mom wants to help him but doesn't know how. She says that this is his stopping point and that she wants to try to keep going but she's just afraid.

"Worst case scenario, he finds another woman he loves and leaves me after splitting you guys up."

That's also something mom said (sorry if the words aren't spelled right. My eyes hurt from a little crying) and it worries me so much because most of my friends' parents have split and they've grown accustomed to it. But will I?

I'm just REALLY scared about my parents' future. I'm up for talking before randomly falling asleep so if you are too then let's talk. It can be about what I'm talking about ur something entirely different. I just need to talk to someone and my friends are sleeping.


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