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Alert alert the Myriad are attacking The alarms went off through out enchantia in the system

Alpha hyperion. The king looked at his queen "dear if we don't hurry our child will parish and the galaxy will be doomed." The queen nodded and looked at their daughter with a sad smile as they ran to the space pods. Gently putting the baby in the pod the king and queen kiss her forehead. " well my precious daughter you will find a family that will take care of you as their own. You are and still will be our little princess, but you will not remember this till you are ready" with those words the pod closes with a final goodbye the princess is sent away glowing to a planet that will be safe for her.

Meanwhile on another planet in Alpha Hyperion.

Red lights flash as a panicked voice says 'we are being attacked repeat attack in progress. The emperor and empress rush to the hidden building where there is a solo escape pod. They look at each other as the sounds of a crying baby rises over the sirens. The emperor looks down at his baby with love.... "I'm so sorry little one.... Please we don't want to be caught." He slowly trys to hush the little baby, but it is to late. An enemy soldier blocks the path way and demands " give me the baby." The emperor hands the baby to his wife and whispers something to her which she nods in approval. He raise his hands and shoots fire at the blockage giving his wife and baby time to get to the pod. After a few twists and turns the empress gets to the pod and hums to her baby and sings a short verse. Hush little baby don't be afraid. You'll be safe wherever you go. Just remember this little verse and you'll never feel alone. In some time you'll find someone who will understand who you are. Trust in them no matter what and you won't be sad. After the verse finishes the baby smiles a softly glows. The empress softly put he child in the pod and it closes and takes off into space away from the attack.

Few years later.

"Hey kitty what's going on near the river" a soft but childish voice sounds from behind the tree. A little baby giggles and says " oh not much AD." AD smiles softly at the baby being only a few years apart "I can't wait to turn 8" kitty smiles and says" i can't wait to turn 6" they both laughed as they look younger then they are but it always went their way. A few hours pass and the sun starts to pass "  Scarleta come here please it's getting late." AD/scarleta looks at kitty with a smile as that was her mom calling her. " come on kitty let's go" kitty smiles and transforms into her kitten form and lets Scarleta pick her up. They walk to a big blue and red house not knowing that the government had been curious about little Scarleta. As the night goes by Scarleta dreams of her true self.

Author's note. This is my first actual chapter. I hope you enjoyed also let me know if i should show them growing up or just make a time jump to them being heros on their own.

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