chapter 5: barely brainwashed?

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Tony's pov
I get a call from Peter and I answer it even though I'm in a meeting with the avengers. "Stark put the phone down" Cap say seriously. I roll my eyes" hey kid did you check the thing out." He replies but out of breath so I say "hang on kid get to the tower and we'll talk" I hang up earning glares from everyone. " okay cap sorry about that it was my intern, his girlfriend went missing recently so he has been upset so I can't just ignore his calls,  but my scanners showed that the waves of power were coming from a warehouse downtown so he went to check it out." Banner slams his hands on the table " you mean to tell me that you let the kid check out something that is potentially dangerous." I give a nod with an arrogant smirk when jarvis calls out "umm sir, Peter Parker is here and carrying an unconscious girl and is being closely followed by another girl that has cat ears and a cat tail. Should I let them up." I raise an eyebrow what did that kid find now "yes jarvis let them up" I reply earning questioning looks. Cap then asks, "whose Peter?" I tell him the truth as he look surprised. After a few minutes Peter comes in with the girl in his arms and says "Mr Stark i found the source of the power.... I also found her." I look at him surprised," wait you found her. I am to assume the girl in your arms is her." He nods and explains while every now and then the cat girl adds things he missed or had no clue about.
*************time skip *************
A few hours later after bringing the girl to the medic bay in the tower the meeting continues. I tried to invite Peter but he wanted to stay near his friend.

Scarleta's pov
A few hours after I passed out I slowly regain consciousness. I glance around seeing bright lights upon opening my eyes "ugg why are the lights so bright?" I grumble. I suddenly gasp and bolt straight up as i freak out where am I. I can't let Peter find me. I think to myself. Then I find myself face to face with the one person who I didn't want to see "hey AD." I bury my face into my hands as I cry. Suddenly i feel someone wrap their arms around me as they hum. I look at Peter" I'm so sorry Peter, i di....." He interrupts my apology by kissing me intensely. After what seemed like hours he pulls away and tucks one of my stray hair behind my ear. Cough cough we hear and look at the door. " hey Peter." Steve roger says with a look of curiosity. Peter smiles at me "yeah cap." Steve looks at peter then me then back, " tony told me to tell you that after what you told us that we might need to check her blood for the brainwashing serum." Peter's smile goes away as he nods. Steve then looks at me " your friend with the ears told us what you heard the day you had gotten the serum injected, i think it might be safe to keep you away from others or at least In a cell till we know your fine." I give a small nod but Peter interjects saying " I don't know about you but that is a bad decisions she's my friend I'm not gonna just let you put her in a cage." Steve tries to argue but I intervene " he is right though Peter I'm not sure i can keep the serum from changing me it's better safe then sorry." I look at him as he tears up and then he runs off "PETER WAIT." I try to shout after him as I go to chase him but them the world starts spinning faster and faster till i have to lean on the wall. Steve catches me as I fall backwards and start breathing heavily and shivering. Steve carries me back to the medic bay bed and straps me down before getting Dr. Banner. A few minutes later Dr Banner and steve come back. I shiver badly as I hear deep chanting that seemed ancient and old. My eyes blur up as I felt steve squeeze my hand as he tries to say something but i could not hear him. Then suddenly intense pain through my body as I close my eyes tightly as I see lots of liquid exit my body by using the water molecules to look around. I slowly relax as Dr Banner injects some pain killer into my wrist and i fall asleep.

Peter's pov
I ran to the room that I was given with tears I can't believe she would say something like that.  When i get to my room I lock the door and fall against the door as I cry knock knock knock "Peter please open up" I hear Mr Stark call to me after knocking. I shake my head as I stay silent. "Peter I will keep them from locking her up i promise you just have to let me in." With every word I slowly get up and unlock the door and open it stark gives me a hug and whispers "I know you don't want to talk but i thought you should know the serum made it's way out of your friend." I slightly smile and asks " does that mean she doesn't have to go in a cell" Mr Stark nods

Meanwhile im the medic bay
Steve's pov
I had watched as she tried to chase after Peter but suddenly leaned on the wall like she need support. I had carried her back to the bed. I had watched as Dr Banner had hooked her up to an IV. I even watched as liquid slowly squirted out of a small injection site on her neck. I didn't know what to think, Stark even came in to clean the liquid up so he could test it. So here I am sitting next to a sleeping girl who had just unbrainwashed herself. After a bit i get up to go apologize to Peter knowing I had upset him, but something stops me. I look at the sleeping figure who mutters in her sleep and I sigh and stay next to her giving her hand a squeeze Everytime i see her shiver.

Scarleta's pov (the dream world.)
I'm running through a building I don't recognize but soon I get to a room. I gasp "mother?" I see a tall brown haired figure who is looking through a mirrior. She wears a crown on her head as she turns to me " dear it is time for you to decide...." She raises her hands and three bowls appear but in each one there is only a single item. Bowl one carries a sheild but bowl two a spider and bowl three a metal star. I look at her not knowing what she ment. " love as much as it pains me you have to choose what you think is best for yourself." She lowers her arms and slowly dissapears. "Wait mom." I try to stop her but feel something shake me. And i wake up

Scarleta's pov ( awakened)
I looked around as I see Peter and steve both seem to be whispering to each. I try to talk but my voice doesn't work as I see Peter in spiderman's suite and I realize that I was kissed by Peter twice.

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