chapter 1: the new friend

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Scarlets's pov
Its been two days since my tenth birthday. I was so excited my parents had taken me to California and Florida for summer to celebrate at Disneyland and Disney world. Of course I was sad because I couldn't bring my kitty. My parents said cats were not aloud to come, but I know kitty wasn't just a cat. See I knew she had a human form since I was six and she was four. We've kept that our little secret. Now while we were in Florida strange things kept happening. Let me explain when we first got there I saw a red bird and it had bowed to me and tweeted at me, that wasn't strange but instead of a normal tweet I heard words. My parents laughed and thought I was just using my imagination when I told them. Then when we were at the pool a boy around 12 years old walks up to me and said hey to me. I know that's not weird but to me it was because most boys my age or around my age didn't just randomly come up and say hey all the time. You see at my school I was referred to as the little alien girl, they called me this because sometimes if I was upset I would glow. I was basically the talk of the school, it was never good. Anyways this random boy coming up to me saying hi was weird.
Flashback to me seating at the pool
I look around with a smile as I was allowed to sit at the kiddie pool on my own. I had on my black and gold bathing suit on. Upon sitting down a brown headed kid in red swim trunks walks up. He looked about 12. He gives me this charming smile as he offers his hand "hey you look like you are vacationing here too." I take his hand and he shakes my hand " yeah I am here with my family as my birthday is coming up." He smiles and sits next to me as he introduces himself " my name's Peter Parker I'm 12." I Smile slightly as I had guessed his age correctly " my name's Scarleta april dana Gwendolyn. I know mouth full but you can call me either scar, Scarleta, dana, or april. I answer to those names. I'll be turning 10" he smiles "well Scarleta nice to meet you." I smile as we talk all day till my parents call me " bye peter I hope we can talk more" he smiles and gives me a hug before running off.
End flashback
I shake my head as I remember that day. It's been a few days since I talked to Peter and I was kind of worried. I asked my parents, "hey mom, dad, can I go to the pool again?" They both nod and I rush to put my bathing suit on. I didn't say anything but I was hoping to run into him at the pool. I still didn't know why. A few minutes later I had everything ready and my mom was ready too as she was gonna watch me. See it may have been vacation for me, but for my dad it was a business trip. He worked for a very rich company and they trusted him to find clients across state. Now my dad want to bring us with him as he had been to Texas before school ended and wanted time with me and mom. After leaving the hotel room we went to the pool. When we got there after taking the elevator down to the first floor and then going to the outdoor pool we put our stuff at one of the chairs. "Okay sweetie you are 10 now so you have three more years till you can't go to the kiddie pool." My mom tells me as she puts sunscreen on me. I nod as I understand and I go walk to the kiddie pool. When I get there I smile as I see peter who looks up and smiles "hey Scar" he smiles as I sit next to him " hey Peter. I never got to ask you where you are from." He chuckles softly as he smiles and replies " I live in queens, New York" I grin " cool I live in Manhattan, New York." We kept talking before a lady comes up "come on Peter we have to pack to go back home" she says. Peter smiles " hey aunt may. This is my new friend Scarleta." She smiles " well maybe we should meet her family to stay in contact." I smile slightly as I go introduce them to my mom and my mom talks to May Parker as I talk to Peter. After a few minutes with contact information exchange Peter gives me a hug "bye Scarleta" he leaves with his aunt and I smile softly.
Kathrine's pov a few days after Scarleta left
Scar and her family had gone on vacation as her 10th birthday was coming up. I smiled as I walked around the house in my human form. Being 8 I wasn't supposed to be alone but no one but scar knew about my human form. A few days passed and i had this feeling that scar was happy. I knew she was because her birthday was today "happy birthday scar" I whisper to nothing as I knew she wouldn't hear me. I turned to my cat form as I heard the door unlock. I look up and see that the house and cat seater was here so she made sure everything was fine and left. See Scarleta asked her parents if she could bring me but her parents said no and got someone to take care of me when they were gone. I smiled softly as I remembered scar telling me she wished I could go with.
Scar looked at me with a sad look "i wish you could go kitty." I nod and hug her with me being in my human form. " I know scar. But I can't..." She smiles as she talks about if I went she would have a friend unlike at school where no one liked her.
End flashback
I smiled at the thought as I hoped she could make friends while on vacation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end of chapter~~~~~
A/N well my first chapter i had picked the homecoming version of Peter Parker/Spider-Man for the fanfiction as I thought it was better. Well see i will see you guys when i next update.

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