chapter 2: high school begins

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Few years later
Scarleta's pov.
Oh my god... High school starts today I hear my thoughts race as I was a freshman starting today. I looked at my feet seeing kitty in human form "kitty! " I whisper quietly " you should be in cat form what are you doing" she smiles sneakily at me as she goes through my dresser and pulls out a photo I had gotten " hey sweetie school is going to start in a hour and a half you should get ready" my mom calls and I quietly curse. I get up and I rush to my closet and I put my new outfit on and smile as i look in the mirror looking at my maroon colored skirt with my black tights as well a white blouse with a lacey design . After putting the outfit on kitty comes up behind me with the picture and waves it in my face and whispers "who's this." I blush as I catch a glimpse of the picture as it was my friend Peter. " it is just a friend I made on vacation a while back." I snatch the picture away as I put it in one of my school binder. I smile at the thought of how I got it we had been some what pen pals... I say some what as he lives in New York too so we get to see eachother sometimes.
Flashback to a few days prior.
I opened the letter from Peter and it read hey Scar can't wait till I see you at school every day. I am sending two pictures one with me in what I'm wearing for the first day and the other... Well you'll see from ~ your best bud peter. I look at the pictures and see that the one had writting on the back that says. Hey betcha this makes you blush. I turned red at the sight as it was him wearing just a swimsuit with a wink. I quickly put the picture in my dresser feeling my face heat up as i mutter "Peter i swear I'm gonna strangle you..." I take the other picture and i put it in my photo album for safe keeping as it was him wearing a shirt with a smiley on it and normal jeans.
End flashback
I shook my head as my mom knocks on my door "come on Scarleta i need you to come here." I look at kitty as she had turned into her cat form and i can tell she is smirking at me. I stick my tongue at her as I grab my backpack and my silver glittered hand purse.I quickly put my blood red feather earings a well as a golden braclet. I then slid on my maroon 3 inch high heels "Coming mom" I call out just as I leave me room. I head to the living room as my mom was answering the front door. I head to the snack bar as I make myself a bowl of fruity pebbles. Upon making the bowl I sut down to eat and I hear " thank you ma'am" and right away I know it's Peter. I look up and I see Peter walking up to me smirking as he asks "so did you get the letter I sent?" Immediately my face heats up as I think of the picture as I say " yeah I did." He smiles and gives me a hug as I finish my cereal. He winks at me as I put my bookbag on and carry my binder with my purse. As we head out the door I yell " bye mom see you later." She replies back but by then I had already closed the door so I didn't hear her. We exit the building as we head off to school which would take us thirty minutes to get there by walking. Every now and then I look at Peter seeing him grin like an idiot. Eventually when we get to the gate at school he catches me "hey scar whatcha looking at... Do you find me sexy." Upon striking a weird pose I bust out laughing " oh come on you dork lets go find our lockers." He frowns slightly as I walk into the building alone "hey wait up" he runs to catch up to me. I grin as I see they have my locker next to his and for the next half hour we compare schedules. We high five as we see we have all our classes together. Before the bell rings we headed off to our first class together still joking around. During our first class together we sat diagonal from each, him closer to the front so he couldn't look at my head and poke me. I softly sigh not looking at the teacher as she spoke on and on about what would happen the first semester. I bite my bottom lip slightly stareing at Peter as I think about the picture. My thoughts drown out everything what if he likes me... What if I like him. I run through my head all of the memories I had with him as I think about all the times I caught myself looking at his lips. I look at my hands as I smile slightly glad I picked a seat in the way back. I open my binder and I look at the picture of Peter as I smile slightly. With my eyes on the picture I zone out and I slightly jump when the bell rings thirty minutes after the class started. I quickly put the picture away as Peter walks to me with a grin that make my face turn a bit rosy. " hey scar ready for our science class" he asks and I nod my head yes as I was stare at his lips not noticing him grab my stuff as he says " here let me carry those." I watch as his lips move till he realizes I'm starring so he gently pokes my cheek as he turns to go to our next class.
________ facny time skip. Yay._______
It was the end of the school day and Peter was dropping me off at home as he points out " you seemed quite discracted today... Are you okay." I smile reassuring him " yeah I'm fine just overwhelmed now we are in high school." He raises an eyebrow not believing me but he doesn't say anything. He leaves after waving bye to me with a smile. Opening my door after waiting a few minutes i realize something is off. I walk in and see my parents asleep on the couch with a strange shadowy figure looming over them and I hear in my head as it looks at my with pure black eyes. You will never be normal. Then as it leaves I blackout.
_______ another fancy time skip ____
I wake up a few hours later in my bed with kitty starring at me " hey your alive" she says and she recalls passing out and tells me she woke up hours earlier and carried me to my bed so my parents weren't worried. I recall the voice in my head to her and the feeling I had before I walked in and she smiles.

The new avengerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن