chapter 8: training day

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Scarleta's pov
Today i was rudely woken up by steve. "Scarleta wake up. Today's a training day." He smirks at my face seeing my face red as i take my blanket and cover myself as i fall asleep with nothing on as i get hot easily. "So you sleep naked?" he asks raising his left eyebrow. My face heats up as my voice squeaks "please go so i can get ready" steve goes to the door and faces it "get ready then" i notice he doesn't leave so with the blanket around me as i grab my clothes and i go to the bathroom. I shut the door and i lock the door. Taking a deep breath i Look at myself in the mirror i see how red i am. I then grumble as i didn't want to get up. First i put my red Victoria secret bra on with the match panties. Then i put my black sweats with a golden waistband with the words 'girl power' on the left leg. Lastly i put my purple spaghetti strap work out shirt. After quickly brushing my hair i put it in a tight bun so it's out of my face. I then exit my bathroom seeing steve, bucky and Pete in my room. I just roll my eyes "what are you three doing in here." I cross my arms as they turn to face me. Peter gets up and walks over to me and then spins me around quickly. After two minutes of spining he stops. I hear them whisper and run. I sigh using the water around me to balance and walk straight. I quietly mutter when kitty walks over to me so i lean on her. "Kitty peter is being rude." I pout childishly. She laughs at me and pushes me gently getting me moving.
We walk towards the training room where everyone was waiting. I give peter a glare as he shurgs slightly, he stood near bucky and steve. I went to stand near Natasha as they talked about what we would be doing. "Okay everyone we are going to tests scarleta's capabilities." I looked at steve as i was curious on how we would do that. He then looks at me "okay so peter is testing your agility. Natasha will test your aim and stealth. Bruce will do an health and mental exam. Tony will test your knowledge. Clint will test your strategies. Wanda and thor will test your powers. Meanwhile i will test speed and bucky will test your strength. Got it." I nod as he looks at Natasha and we head into an area while the others go to the observation room. I go into one end of the area and natasha the other.
Third person pov
As Natasha and scarleta go into different corners the room turns into an obstacle course. Natasha then tells scarleta "Okay so your objective is to get to the middle of the room. There will be puzzles where you have to aim a gun or dagger to pass. Meanwhile you have to avoid cameras and search lights. Understand." Scarleta smiles "yeah i understand." A soft bullhorn sounds off and scarleta starts moving
Scarleta's pov
As the bullhorn sounds i grab the two pistols and five daggers. I then crouch as i start going through the maze.
****time skip an half hour *********
I had finally finished and the room turns to normal. Natasha gives me a nod as we go into the arena where peter, bucky were waiting. "Okay first agility." Bucky says as he steps to the side. Peter smiles as he shoots a string of his webbing. I smiled as I do a right hand cartwheel. I just manage to dodge as he shoots a few more from the ceiling and i flip away with backflips and front flips. After an hour he smiles and i know I'm good. Bucky then sneaks up on me picking me up "now the test of strength." I struggle to get out of his arms then he drops me. I quickly turn around as he goes to punch me with his left arm. I go to dodge then grap his arm. With a tight grasp i throw him over my left shoulder. He looks up at me as i had successfully judo flipped him. "Welp i think you past the strength test." Steve walks in with three bottle waters and hand one to me, and bucky "okay now is the speed test." We walk towards the treadmills and steve gets on one. I had got on the other ams by an hour i was done and tired. Wiping the sweat off my face steve smiles slightly. "Well you are fast but your endurance needs work." Steve then walks me over to clint who smiles at me. "Okay for this test we will be playing chess." I smiled softly as we started me as the white pieces... clint as the black. After beating clint four times he nods at me. Tony walks in with a test paper "Okay take this." I do as told and start answering questions one by one. A half hour later i finish and Tony goes to grade the test as wanda and thor go over to me. "Okay lady scarleta time to test your powers." They bring me into a room that is indestructible and start firing lightning bolts and energy balls at me. I of course use the powers i know will work. (See second part for list of powers). An hour or two later They smile at me as Wanda asks "vhat are you powers." I then explain and see that everyone was watching. Bruce then walks up and smiles
"time for your health and mental exam. I smile as he takes me to the medic room. We sit as he starts the mental exam. "I'm gonna say a word you say the first one that comes to mind." With that i nod.
"Family" he starts
"Lies" i say softly
"Lies" he counters
"Truth" i reply
"Truth" he inquiries
"Dreams" i answer
"Dreams" he asks
"confusing" i sigh softly.
With that he stops and we start the physical.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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