The Ultimate on How To Love 1.0

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love; who doesn't want to be in it?

first rule of being in love is do not break. not your heart nor other's.  not your soul nor other's. not your smile nor other's. not your attitude nor others.

because loving is no breaking; but sometimes people pluck out the flower hastily instead of letting it grow gracefully when they claim they love it.

second rule of being in love is to heal the wound. it could be yours it could be other's. it could be big it could be small. it could be deep it could be not. it could be new it could be old.

because when you love with an opened wound, you might be anxious to let the pain spread again but what if you are actually hurting other's by not letting them heal yours?

third rule of being in love is to be honest. to let it be known which is true; which is untrue. regarding yourself; regarding others. to your feeling and to other's. to your mind and to other's. about your heart and about other's.

because it is nowhere near easy to love upon the lies you've told or the lies you've heard; black, white, or gray.

fourth rule of being in love is to let yourself feel. to notice your neighbor's one and only laugh. to notice your best friend's weirdest snort. to notice your father's sense of humor. to notice your lover's mischievous smile.

to let it be; in love.
because when you don't let yourself feel; when you keep on holding and holding it back; how would you love?

fifth rule of being in love is to embrace. yourself and other's. your shoulder and other's. your past and other's. your mistakes and others'. your everything and other's.

because time will heal but not every time will; and sometimes people try to love others hard without loving themself first.

sixth rule of being in love is to remember. of how their stare is a little deeper. of how their voice comes a little softer. of how they stitch up your heart, being an only winner.

and if someday you forget how it feels to be loved; ask them to remind you of just how they remember it.

because after all; who doesn't want to be in love?


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