Chapter 1

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"Come on mommy! I'm ready to go to school!" I yelled.

"Coming sweetie." She laughed and she came into the living room.

It was my first day of kindergarten, and seven year old me was excited. I was going to meet new people, and learn more about the outside world.

My parents told me many stories of their childhood, how their middle and high schools had people who were very powerful and were considered the 'Royals', and they used to always look up to them.

Whenever I asked them to see their abilities, they always said they were busy, but that's not going to stop me from asking again.

One day I asked them when I would get mine.

"You're born with it, you just won't know right away, but you will once you understand it."

"I can't wait!" I cheerfully jumped.

I rushed outside and waited for my mom. "Mommy, hurry!" I cried.

"Mommy's coming." She started walking towards me.

She walked to her car and opened the back door for me. I got in and sat in my seat.

"Sit tight, I'm going to put some stuff in the back of the car."

"Okay!" I sat there, swinging my legs out of excitement.

"Here," she handed me a DS. "You can play with this while you wait."

"Thank you." I grabbed it and started playing whatever game was in it.

I was so intent in the game, that I didn't realize she finished and was already driving.

I put my game down and started watching out the window. All the scenery and just watching everything go past was entertaining to my young self. But soon I realized I fell asleep.

"Kami, sweetie." I awoke to my mom waking me up. "We're here!"

I looked around and the place didn't look like a school at all.

"Mommy, this doesn't look like school."

"This is a boarding school sweetie."

"What's that?"

"You will be staying here until school ends."


"Trust me, it's a really good school, and you will make lots of friends here." She put her hands on my shoulders. "I will take you to your dorm room, and you can stay there until I bring everything to it, okay?"

I nodded and she grabbed my hand and we walked over to it.

We walked inside the dorm and searched for my room. "One.. nine... zero..." my mom mumbled. She was repeating my room number while looking at each door.

"Here it is!" She walked up to it and opened the door.

I walked in, found a bed, and sat on it.

"I'll be back."

"Okay mommy."

She left and I looked around the room. Why was I sent here? Am I a bad kid?

I then saw the door open and another lady with her kid walk in.

"Hello." She greeted with a smile. "You must be my daughter's roommate."

"Hi!" The girl walked up to me. She had long wavy red hair. "I'm Katerina."

"I'm Kami."

"Kami, I'm back-." My mom walked in with my stuff and seen the other two standing there. She tried to get through, and bring my stuff to me.

"My, your daughter seems so sweet." The lady said to my mom.

"Thanks." She thanked. "So you brought your daughter here to help her power wise and academically?"

The lady nodded. "My Katerina's power has been hinted for the past year, so I want to know for sure, and make sure she gets powerful enough to protect herself."

"What do you think it is?"

"The same as her fathers, heated lasers."

"Wow, sounds powerful."

"It can be," she paused. "So what's you and your husband's powers?"

"Oh, that's not important right now." My mom laughed nervously, then turned towards me and handed me a phone. "This is for you to check up with us and update us every single day, okay?"

"Yes." I nodded.

She got up and then left without a word. I sighed and seen the lady and the girl talking, then the lady left.

"My mom is gone now." She said. "Now what? I've never been on my own before."

"Me neither."

"Maybe we should start putting our stuff away."

"I guess." I got off the bed and pulled my stuff towards my part of the room and started making everything nice and neat, all put away.

I finished and laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I've thought throughout the night as to why they can send six and seven-year-olds to a boarding school. It's like I'm not wanted around, and they just wanted me to go away.

"Hey Kami?"

I turned my head.

"Let's me, friends!" She smiled.

"Okay!" I smiled back.

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