Chapter 1: the beginning

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Kristian stretched his slender body across the hotel bed, rubbed his tired eyes, and rolled his shoulders before he put on his glasses. He found some socks and pants from the floor, and walked over to the other side of the room to find a shirt from the wardrobe. As he opened the closet door, he saw himself in the full body mirror on the inside of it. He squinted at how pale his skin was, and quickly looked away before he could inevitably begin criticizing his every flaw. With his lower arm across the frame of the closet, Kristian leaned his head on his arm while looking down at the floor. Dyed-blonde hair fell in his closed eyes. A burning began behind his eyelids, and before he knew it, he was softly crying, trying to make his sobs as silent as possible.

why am i this way? he thought to himself, why can't i be like everyone else?

he had had this conversation in his head before, and it always ended the same way: pretend to be fine, and don't let anyone know of the secret. Kristian knew his fans would go crazy if they knew; and not in a good way. Sometimes he wish he was less known, invisible, but even then it would be hard for him to realize the truth: he was gay, and madly in love with Mélovin.


Kostya woke up to Citrus, his beloved cat, cleaning his ass on Kostya's chest. Kostya couldn't help but chuckle, and rubbed the cat's head. you silly cat, he mumbled to himself as he sat up in his bed and slid Citrus down to his lap. He glanced over at the silver kitten, and was struck by a feeling of loneliness. Citrus was, after all, the closest relation he had. Of course, he had his family, fans and friends, but in moments like this he realized how desperate he was of a true soulmate. Someone he could pour his heart out to, someone who completed him and filled in all his holes and flaws, and who understood him. All he wanted was to feel completely comfortable and safe in someone's presence, and to know that that person would feel the same about him. Kostya closed his eyes. He knew he was being ungrateful, feeling sorry for himself despite of his many friends and fans. And yet, he was still left with the feeling that he needed someone to fulfill him.


It was a rainy day, and the windows were cold and fogged when Kristian ate his breakfast. It was a simple meal: a cheese and lettuce sandwich with a glass of water. He was scrolling through Instagram while eating. A photo of Mélovin came up. Kristian zoomed in on his face, and was unaware that he was slightly smiling while doing so. The photo's location was in Odessa, Mélovin's home city, and also the city where Kristian just happened to be on vacation. It had mostly been a coincidence, since Kristian simply wanted to get away to a place where no-one knew him, and yet he couldn't help but feel a tingle in his fingers. Just the thought of being in the same town as his idol and crush made the rainy day feel ten times brighter.


Kostya had always preferred sunny days, but on the occasional rainy day he liked to keep to himself. It annoyed him that the weather was bad during his trip to Odessa, but decided to spend the day at his favorite café to heighten his mood. He put on a hoodie and spritzed on his favorite perfume, before leaving his childhood house. He kept his head down during his walk, as he wasn't in the mood to be noticed by hysteric fans. The rain was prickling on his coat, and the cold made him regret not dressing warmer. After a long walk he finally reached his destination: a small, little known café. He entered, and the warmth and smell of freshly brewed coffee embraced him. He ordered a double Americano and a blueberry muffin. As he sat down with his drink and food, he heard muffled whispers from a group of teenage girls. They had probably recognized him, and he noticed them sneakily taking pictures. Normally he would have come over and talked a bit, but today he was feeling annoyed at them.

He put on his headphones and glared out of the foggy window. The misty streets were sparse with people that day. Gaga's voice was pulsing in his ears as he laid back and relaxed, while taking a sip of his freshly brewed coffee. He began feeling less tense, and the calm atmosphere raised his mood. Strangers on the streets passed by, engrossed by their own thoughts and troubles. Kostya imagined who they were and what they were thinking. A woman wearing a gray suit rushed by, seemingly late. Maybe she was hurrying so she could get her dream job? An old man followed a map, perhaps it was to find the house of his childhood romance and reignite the love?

As Kostya saw the people passing by, he began to wonder what people thought of him when they saw him. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, most people had looked at him like he was an alien. He was used to keep his head down, wear sunglasses, and hope not to be noticed. Just because he had different hobbies and a different style, classmates and strangers would stare, point and call him names, and bully him too. Getting flashbacks from the bad memories, Kostya squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think of something else.

The song he was listening to was over, and a slow, romantic one began playing. He opened his eyes, and a person walking by caught his attention. He had pale skin, grown-out blonde hair, and hazelnut brown eyes behind steel framed glasses. He was walking with his head down, looking at his phone, and his fringe fell into his eyes. He looked so familiar somehow...

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