Chapter 9: the missing

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Kristian missed Kostya, and all day his fingers were itching to contact him. However, he knew better than to interrupt him during work.

Kristian spent the day scrolling through social media, and strolling through the streets of Odessa. He even met a few fans. He enjoyed it, but in the back of his mind he was constantly thinking of Kostya, and that he'd much rather be with him than anyone.


It was the same song, but today it sounded different. No matter how perfectly he pressed the tangents, it sounded off.

Kostya thought that playing the piano would distract him, but instead his thoughts kept pulling him out of the trance he usually was in when playing.

His mind kept running, and he regretted giving into his temptations with Kristian. He knew it wasn't right. Why did he always follow his heart instead of his brain?

Kostya slammed the piano in frustration, a dozen different sounds coming out and mixing together. It sounded horrible, yet he loved it. He kept on doing so, playing the songs wrong with intention. He was so sick and tired of constantly being perfect. His life was a song: one chord wrong, and it messed up the rest of the melody. Now he didn't care: he played the mismatched notes on purpose, not caring if others wouldn't like it.

Did Kristian feel this way too? Doing everything to make the audience happy, but not being happy himself? Frustrated, without the control to change it? Like driving a car and not knowing where it is going, unable to stop it?


When Kristian came home, he slammed down on his bed, exhausted. He rolled over on his stomach, looking out at the skyline of Odessa.

Kostya didn't answer any of his texts, and none of his calls. Was he really that busy? Oh, he missed him so badly. His scent was removed from the bedsheets, as if he had never been there.


«I have to tell him,» Kostya told himself. «we can't go on like this.»

He found his phone. Kristian had called and texted him multiple times. Something broke inside Kostya's heart as he saw Kristian's concern for him. He hesitantly began typing.

Kostya: «Sorry for not replying. Can you come over to my place? i want to talk.»

He sent his location, and breathed nervously out. How would this go?


Kristian was hesitant. He was standing outside Kostya's apartment, phone in hand, and with a bad feeling in his gut. He looked down at the phone. He was sure he had the right address, but...

He shrugged it off, and rang the doorbell.

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