Chapter 10: the fighting

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Kostya had a bad feeling in his stomach. What should he say? How would Kristian react?

The bell rung, and he stood up, walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened it.

As Kris entered the room, Kostya completely forgot everything he was supposed to do.


The room smelled of incense and chocolate. The romantic scent left Kristian breathless.

«hi,» he managed to utter, before Kostya pinned him to the wall, staring deeply into his eyes.

«what was it you wanted to talk about?» asked Kristian. Kostya's eyes were piercing.

«This,» Kostya kissed him hard on the lips, and pushed his body against his, grinding, making Kristian moan in pleasure.

«oh, Kostya!» his knees were weak, and he let himself fall into Kostya's arms as they began kissing more and more passionately. Kostya lightly bit Kris' earlobe, while Kristian began kissing farther and farther down Kostya's neck. He gasped in surprise as Kristian grabbed his butt.

«You liked that, huh?» Kristian smirked. It was different for him to be this sexy and daring, but he liked it, and wanted to explore it. He stared daringly into Kostya's eyes.

«so where is your bedroom, silly?»

he put his hands on his shoulders, and pushed Kostya away and around, so he was facing the hallway. He had to stand on his toes to lean into his ears and whisper: «show me.»

Kostya turned his head around to face Kristian, and looked into his eyes. It gave him chills.

«I'm sorry Kristian, but I can't do this.»

Kristian was confused with his answer.

«what? Why not? Do you wanna do something else?» Kostya looked down at his toes with a concerned look on his face, jet-black hair falling in his eyes.

«I love you, I really do, but you are too young. It would ruin both of our careers if we became a couple. I can't let that happen to you. I am so sorry.»

Kristian felt a rage flaming in his chest, and tears burning in his eyes.

«Then how dare you do this to me? If you didn't want a relationship, then you should never have fooled around with me in the first place!» Kristian was annoyed at the warm flood of tears streaming from his eyes, but ignored them.«I am not some toy you can come back to play with without commitment. I have feelings too! I am tired of hiding, Kostya! Is it because you are embarrassed of me? Do you have any idea of how hurtful that is? do you even - »

«Of course i know i am hurting you! It is hurting me just as much! I never wanted this to end this way, Kristian, but do you have any idea what would happen if our fans found out? They have a vision of us, and being gay is absolutely not in that vision!»

«Why do you care so much about what they think? What matters most is that you are happy.»

«These people are the reason i am famous, Kris. Of course i love you more than my fans, but... I can't bear letting them down.» Kostya looked down, with hunched shoulders and a sad expression. When he looked up at Kristian, there were rivers of tears trailing down his cheeks.

«I'm sorry,» he whispered. «I never wanted it to end this way. i just... I need time to think. And so do you.» They were both crying now, and before they knew with they were hugging each other, shaking and sobbing.


Okay you guys, I promised some drama, and I gave you drama! I have finished the story, and I am going to publish a chapter every day! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!

I just wanted to thank you for all the support, votes, comments and reads, it means so much to me! I know the story is quite sad now, but stars can't shine without darkness.

Stay patient, I promise there will be a very fluffy ending! The last chapter will be quite long as well :)

Anyways, thank for coming this far, I literally never thought anyone would read this silly fanfic that started as a joke between my friends...

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