Chapter 11: the hurting

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Once he heard the click of the door closing after Kristian, Kostya was left with a numb feeling in his chest.

What had he done? Had he ruined everything?

He felt hollow, emotionless, empty, as if all his tears had been used up during the fight. Citrus stroked his leg, but Kostya didn't feel like cuddling.

He opened the kitchen cabinet, grabbed a crystal glass and poured himself some whiskey. He stroked the edge of the glass carefully, studying the amber hue of the drink.

He let himself fall into the maroon sofa chair, staring out at nothing, and took a long sip.


Kristian struggled to hold back his tears, even after crying so many. The taxi driver probably gave him some questioning looks regarding his puffy eyes and sad expression, but Kristian was to tired to care.

Once he got to his hotel, he fell over on his bed, looking out at Odessa. The city was the same, but somehow completely changed in Kristian's mind.


«Citrus! мой маленький лимон!»

Kostya held his cat on his lap, holding it's paws in the air as if it was dancing.

Kostya was in a good mood now, almost too good. Loud music was playing, his worries were gone, and his cat was cuter than ever. Also, he was completely wasted.

«я люблю тебя! You would never leave me, would you Citrus?»

Citrus meowed in irritation and jumped off his lap.

«Oh. so you're gonna leave me too, huh? Just like everyone else I care about!»

Suddenly the music was bothering him. How could he listen to that loud, head-aching crap? He turned the music off, rather aggressively., and sat down in his couch, pouting. Then, a wave of sadness crashed over him, overwhelming him, submerging him. He began crying, to the point where his sobs sounded like screams.


Sorry for a short one, I am a bit busy today!

How do you think the story will end? I'd love to know!

(And also: who is your fave: Mélovin or Kristian Kostov, and why?)

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