Chapter 4: the missing

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Kristian couldn't quite shake it off, that feeling of happiness. Mélovin, Kostya Bocharov, HIS IDOL, had talked to him! And, if Kristian remembered correctly, didn't he also say that he liked him? His stomach was filled with butterflies who had drunk too much Red Bull.

He skipped along the paved streets, not caring if he looked like an idiot. The weather was clearing up, and now there was only a faint drizzle of rain.

Later that evening he was videochatting with some friends in his hotel room. They talked about nonsense for an hour or two, before ending the Skype call. Kristian rolled out of bed, changed into pajamas, and checked his phone.

He had gotten a DM on Instagram, and from none other than Mél himself. Kristian noticed he was smiling, and his heart was beating fast from excitement as he opened the message.

«How are you?» it said. What should he reply? He thought for a few seconds before going for:

«I'm fine. How about you?»

He was curios. What did Mélovin want? Did he really just want to chat?

Mél was typing. Wow, he really was a slow typer. Or maybe he just didn't know what to say?

Mél: «I'm good.»

Kris: «It was nice talking to you today.»

Mél: «I thought so too.»

Kris: «is it fine if I call you Kostya?»

Mél: «sure.»

Kris: «what are you doing right now?»

Kostya: «just laying in my bed, texting you.»

He felt a bit aroused at the thought of Kostya in his bed. What was he wearing? Was he alone?

Kris: «what did you want to chat about?»

Kostya: «idk. i'm just feeling a bit... lonely.»

Kris: «did something happen?»

Kostya: «no. i just feel alone sometimes, even though i'm not.»

Kristian felt surprised that Kostya was being so honest, even though they just met. it made him happy that Kostya wanted to talk, of all people, with him.

Kostya: «can i have your number? I prefer talking rather than writing.»

Kristian sent his number, and shortly after, he got a call.

«hi.» Kostya's voice sounded hoarse, almost as if he had been crying. Or maybe that was just how he sounded over telephone.

«hi, Kostyantyn Mikolaevych Bocharov.»

a faint chuckle.

«don't call me that,» he said in a friendly tone. «just call me Kostya.»

«Okay, Kostya.»


«where are you? Are you at a hotel?»



«... yes.»

«i know this is weird... but can i meet you?»

«okay. I'll be honest, i'm feeling quite lonely too.»

Kristian sent his location over text, and changed outfits multiple times before deciding on something casual. And then he waited with hyperactive butterflies in his stomach.

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