Chapter 12: the realizing

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Kristian woke up late, with a pounding headache. He really didn't want to face another day in Odessa. The once so beautiful city was now grey and plain, the coastal shore so hostile and cold.

Had it all been a dream? Was it all in his head? Had it even happened? When Kristian looked back at it, the whole "Kostya-and-Kristian-thing" seemed like a fairy-tale with a tragic ending, something made for hopelessly romantic teens.

Eventually he got dressed, and went online. The next flight to Bulgaria was in 16 hours.

«okay,» he said to himself, «I can handle one more day. One more day, and I'll be home, and this will all be over.»

He thought over his options. He could stay at the hotel room, feeling sorry for himself. He could go at a fancy restaurant, treating himself.

Or he could explore Odessa, to give himself some memories before he left.

The weather wasn't too bad, but Kristian still needed a raincoat. He went out, and walked through the unfamiliar streets. There was only one way he knew; the way to the café.

Kristian sighed. He really didn't want to go back there, but he had to, because the coast wasn't too far away from there. He hurried along the paved roads, not wanting to ignite memories. However, once he reached the café, he stopped. He couldn't help himself; his eyes were searching, wandering back to the day they first met, looking for a tall, handsome man dressed in black and drinking too bitter coffee. They were spying after the aquamarine eyes and the spicy perfume that made Kristian melt. They were praying for the sight of the person who made Kristian feel okay, comfortable, loved. Seeking the man that changed everything.

Kristian didn't realize he was crying, until an old woman stopped him and asked what was wrong. He turned his head, and stared at her leathery skin and silvery hair.

«nothing. It's nothing. i'm good, thanks.» he began walking away.

«sweetie, I wasn't born yesterday, as you might tell. I know sadness when i see it. So, what happened to this young man?»

Kristian had no idea why, but he trusted this woman. Sure, she might not fix his issues, but she probably had some experience and advice to share.

«Well, it's just that - » his voice cracked. «it was here I met the love of my life. I know I am young and there's plenty of fish in the sea, but...»

She put her hand on his shoulder.

«Of course, sweetie, things will always get better.»

«But, the thing is, it won't. I thought we were perfect, but it is impossible for us to be together. Our... friends... wouldn't accept it.» She looked at him for a while.

«I know old women like me tend to say that you will meet a new lover soon, and that you are too young to mourn. You only have one life, and of course, if it doesn't work out, then get over it. But on the other hand, you only have one life, and you shouldn't use it to regret the things you never did. Go find your Prince Charming,» she said with a smile.

«Wait, what? Prince Charming?»

«sweetie, you are radiating queer-ness, even i can see it. Life will be better once you accept it. Who cares what the others say.» Kristian was a little surprised this woman even knew what being gay was, but was still grateful for her help.

«Oh. Thank you so much, I really apprecia - » she scoffed and gave him a push.

«Don't bother thanking me! Your prince is waiting for you!»


Sooo how do you like the story so far? Should I change or edit anything? Please let me know!

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