Chapter 7: the kissing

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Kostya was surprised that they felt the same. He loved the feel of Kristian's fingers in his hair and sneaking up his shirt... suddenly he pulled away. Kristian's pupils were wide.

«oh my god. I can't believe this.» they both looked at each other in surprise.

«when did you realize?» Kristian asked.

«right after you left the café, I was struck by this strange feeling. And when i came home, i couldn't stop thinking about it, no matter how much i kept distracting myself. And during our conversation... I realized that I had fallen for you.» Kristian's heart was already quite molten, but this made it melt even more. However, the good feeling was quickly replaced with a bad one.

«but... but... Aren't I too young for you? I'm three years younger...»

«I don't care.» He leaned in closer, and asked with a smile on his face:

«Can I kiss you? Again?»


Kristian still couldn't believe what had happened. Nevertheless, he enjoyed it to the fullest. Kostya's lips were so full and soft, and interlocked with his perfectly. He had smooth fingers as well, and they were carefully sliding around Kristian's body, with a gentleness as if he did not want to do something wrong.

Suddenly, Kris lost his balance on the mattress, and they both fell down, Kristian on his back, and Kostya on top. Kostya smiled, then sat up and removed his T-shirt. Even in the dim light, Kristian could see the slight outline of his muscles. Not a total bodybuilder, but enough to make Kristian pull Kostya closer to him and kiss him harder. They rolled over on their sides, so that they could stare deeply into each other's eyes. Kristian stroked Kostya's cheek.

«I feel so happy with you. I thought I'd be insecure, but I'm not. I just feel... fantastic.»

«I know we just met, but... I feel the same. As if I am complete. Whole.»

«is it too early to say i love you?»

«not if you mean it,» he smiled. «now take off that shirt of yours!»

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