The Hysteria

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The next morning I rush to the police station, not bothering to stop by the shop for donuts. I burst through the doors, letting Marty know that I was headed to the main room.

Parker is in his usual desk, and I don't waste any time running back to him. "Parker," I stop in front of his seat, reaching into my backpack to pull my sketchbook out.

"Stella, we're really busy today, can you come back later?" He ignores me, looking at something on his monitor.

"Tell him what we know!" Chase urges me.

"I know who's responsible for the M Murders," I state, catching his attention.

He looks up from the monitor and stands up. "What?" He asks, his curiosity building. "What do you mean you know?"

"Okay, look," I flip through my pages in my book. "I'm going to sound totally crazy, but you have to trust me, okay?"

He looks at me with suspicion, but nods his head anyway. "I'm all ears."

"You recall the first victim, Mr. Rivers, right?" I ask him and he gives me a nod.

"Tom Rivers, age twenty six, found dead in his mansion. A stab wound through his stomach completely."

"That's great! You remember everything!" I finally flip to the page of the drawing. "The person who has been killing all of these innocent men is his wife, Dale Rivers."

He looks at me like I'm stupid, and I don't quite blame him.

"His wife is dead," He informs, putting one hand on his hip and using the other to motion around. "She was dead a week before he was even killed. How could she have killed them?"

Okay, time for him to really think I'm stupid.

"Its not exactly her," I rip out the drawing, handing it to him. "Its her ghost, actually, and that's a sketch of her."

His eyes flash between the drawing and me for a couple of seconds, and a small laugh comes from him as he places the drawing down on his desk.

"Stella, I get it," He smiles. "You know I'm busy a lot, and I love the idea of a prank to try to cheer me up-"

"Its not a prank!" I interrupt him. "Parker I'm being serious! It's her ghost that's been killing people!"

The station has gone nearly quiet; everyone now having their attention on us.

"Stella you're causing a scene-"

"Think about it, Park!" I push more, trying to get my point out. "She's trying to get revenge on her husband who murdered both her and her child! There's no weapon at the scene of the crime, and every single victim all have the same qualities as her husband! Why do you think you haven't found out who it was yet? Because she's a ghost-"

Parker slams his hand down onto his desk, making me jump and look up at him with wide eyes. Everyone in the room seems to hurry back to what they were previously doing, and his eyes stay trained on me. The normal light blue has switched to a darker blue, and his jaw his hard.

"Stephanie," He mutters out my real name, making a sudden chill come down my spine.

He never uses my real name. Ever.

"Isn't it time for you to be going to class?" He asks, his eyes trained hard on me. I swallow, clutching my books to my chest.

"Hey you asshole, you can't just talk to her like that!" Chase defends me, but it doesn't do any good as Parker is oblivious to the fact that he's there.

"I guess you're right," I mumble under my breath, backing away from his desk. My heart suddenly feels as if it's shattered into pieces. "I'll go."

The room is silent as they watch me walk out the double doors, passing by Marty and heading outside.

"I'll don't care if that guy is your crush or not! He needs a chill pill!" Chase waves his fist at the doors of the station, and I sit down on the steps that lead inside.

"He's not going to believe us," I shake my head as he sits down next to me. "No one will believe us."

He sighs. "Well, if no one believes us, then we'll have to make them!"

"How do you suggest we do that?" I question, raising my eyebrow.

"Uh, well," He scratches the back of his head. "I don't know, to be honest. But I think that of we get rid of that Dale chick, then I can go back to normal!"

"You think she has something to do with you being stuck in ghost form?" I push a strand of my hair behind my ear and he nods.

"She did kill me, so I think that all of this is connected somehow!" He stands up. "I really think it's time for you to get to school! It's already eight!"

I leap up from where I'm standing.



Parker just needs to loosen up a bit! I read everyone's comments and I want to say thank you if you left one! I'm also counting every vote as well!


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