The Uneasy

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"We need a way to fix you," I pace the floor of the living room the next morning, Chase sitting on the couch. "We need a plan."

"Do you have any ideas? Aren't you smart?" He asks, crossing his legs.

Great. No pressure on me at all.

I think, my mind racking with trillions of ideas, but each one is shot down with my sense of logic.

"You said that if we patched things over with Dale that you should be okay, right?" I question, finally thinking that I might have a plan.

He nods. "Its a hunch, since she killed me when I wasn't supposed to die."

"Maybe we don't need to 'kill' her," I suggest. "Maybe we need to just talk her down and make her into a nice spirit?"

His eyes widen. "You think you can talk to that thing?!" He shakes his head. "She'll kill you!"

"Its the best idea we've got," I say. "I think I can calm her down. I mean, I see where she's coming from. If my husband killed me, I'd want revenge, too."

"I still don't think you should do this," He looks at me with concern. "Your arm just now got better, and now you want to run off into trouble again."

"I will be fine," I reassure him, grinning. "Nothing bad will happen. I've got this."

"What do you plan on doing?" He asks, leaning forward on the couch.

"We'll do this..."


Its almost eleven at night, and I'm in my room sketching. I draw out a plan, making sure that I work out all the kinks before we start. I don't want anything going wrong.

After I'm finished, there's ink on the side of my and and I huff. I always get filthy, even when writing.

I go in the bathroom and take my Shaman bracelet off, sitting it on the counter. I use warm soapy water to scrub my ink off.

"Hey we should get going!" Chase calls from the living room. "Parker is probably already there!"

"I'm coming!" I shout, drying my hands off on a towel and exiting the room.

I slide on a jacket and some combat boots, ready to leave. I make sure to tell Muffin goodbye as I shut the door behind me.

I informed Parker that I would show him the M Murder culprit if he agreed to meet me outside at a specific location. He agreed, and I gave him the address: an empty street that isn't too far away from the station.

The only bad thing is that he still doesn't believe that the killer is a ghost, and he also doesn't know about Chase. He's more than likely going to think that I'm a complete idiot, but as long as I prove I'm correct, I really don't care.

Chase told me that there's rarely anyone there on the streets, and that all the shops have closed. It makes it the perfect battleground for what's about to happen.

I also told Parker to hide, for fear that Dale won't come out if she knows that it's a trap.

"Are you sure about this?" Chase asks for the millionth time. I roll my eyes.

"I told you that I would be fine," I smile. "Nothing is going to go wrong. I worked it all out."

We bypass the station, it's lights still shining bright despite it being almost midnight. "Take a left," I do as Chase orders, and I turn.

The roads begin to get cluttered, and this looks like a place the shady drug dealers would live. Beer bottles, cardboard boxes, McDonald's sacks, and much more line the edges of the sidewalk.

Great. Meet an evil spirit in a place that looks creepy by its self.

"This is the place," He stops. "Parker should be around here somewhere."

"Psst," There's a whisper as someone gets my attention.

I look over at a nearby alley and see Parker. He's giving a thumbs up, motioning that he's ready to start the plan. I notice in his other hand is a handgun, and I nearly roll my eyes.

He still thinks that it's a real person. I don't think a gun will do much against a spirit.

"You go hide," I whisper to Chase. "I can handle this."

He gives me a dissaproving look, but he runs off regardless, hiding behind a large garbage bin.

Well, it's time to either prove I'm right, or convince them that I'm totally a nutcase.

"Dale!" I shout on the empty street, alarming everyone around. "Dale, I know you're here!"

There's not any sound other than the wind blowing a plastic sack around.

"Dale!" I cup my hands over my mouth. "I need to talk to you! It's about your husband-"

Suddenly, down the sidewalk, a streetlight shatters, sending sparks and glass flying everywhere. I nearly jump out of my skin, mustering up my little sense of courage.

The light next to that one implodes as well, and they continue shattering until there's one lone light above my head. I gulp.

Okay, so, the plan I created didn't have any good ideas about dealing with fear.

"What about that lowlife son of a bitch?"

Her raspy voice sounds through the street, and I turn my head in each direction, trying to locate her.

There's two glowing red eyes in the darkness created by the lights going out, and my hands begin to shake from fear. I can tell from the corner of my eye that Parker sees it too, and he's frozen in his spot.

"I k-know you're upset," I start, my voice shaking. "But killing all of these innocent people isn't doing anything."

The eyes begin to inch closer. Every thought in my mind is telling me to run, yet my feet stay firmly planted to the ground.

"How would you know?" She snaps, her figure appearing out of the darkness right in front of me.

"I would be devastated too," My eyes plead with sympathy. "But harming innocent people isn't the way to go."

Her hair moves slightly to the side, revealing part of her face.

"You're beautiful," I suddenly blurt, not thinking. "I've seen you before you resorted to this. Don't you want to be back to normal?"

Her hands go up to her face, feeling around on her skin. "Can I go back?" Her voice suddenly turns soft, a gentle tone to it.

I lightly smile. "Yes," I nod. "You can. Just stop all of this needless killing. Move on to the afterlife."

I don't know what got into me, but I reach out and grab her hand, holding it. "You can see your child," I smile. "I'm sure they're waiting on you."

Before my eyes, I see her skin start to become a shade darker, lightly turning blue. Is she becoming a good spirit like Chase?

There's a sudden loud crash from the alley that Parker is in. A trash can rolls out, and Dale sees him waiting with his gun in hand. His badge is reflecting brightly, and he swaps his gaze back from me to her.

She turns her attention to me, her eyes furious with burning red and her skin back to its pale, dead tone.

"You!" She screeches. "You only cared about helping him stop the murders! You didn't care about me at all! You lied!"

Her voice is so loud that I nearly have to hold my ears; it cracking the window of a shop nearby.

Thanks Park. Now I'm in trouble.


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