Chapter 14 | Sorry

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author's note: sorry for going on a short hiatus from the book. I'm back now and I'll work hard to write more chapters!!!

"(Name)?... What happened between you two? You haven't talked to each other at all during practice...." Kiyoko says with a concerned look as you two pick up volleyballs.

"It's just......" You pause closing your fists relaxing into a forced smile "Nothing... It's nothing"

You walk away to the group before Kiyoko has a chance to ask more questions. You narrow your eyes at Tsukishima who notices you walking over. You change directions and sit from across the room. The middle blocker sighs and turns to Yamaguchi who notices the tension between you two.

"Tsukki... what happened?..." Yamaguchi asks.

"I just said something that I shouldn't have... either way it's none of your business..." Tsukishima directs his attention to Coach Ukai while Yamaguchi sighs. Everyone else notices the tension between you and Tsukishima filling the room.

"Tomorrow is the Tokyo away games. They are great practices for the spring tournament. Sadly Hinata and Kageyama have to miss the first day due to... grades"

Coach Ukai's voice fades as you stare off into space. You close your eyes as you think back to the 'date'. How much it hurt to hear someone you almost considered a friend. 

"that asshole..." You mumble loud enough for Suga to hear you. The third year looks at you with worry in his eyes, knowing what you were thinking about. You look at Tsukishima who is paying attention. Your eyes soften looking at him. 

'I want to talk to him.... but I don't know what to say... I got so mad and what he said hurt a lot....'

"I'll see you at the buses tomorrow" Coach Ukai says ending the meeting.

You get up to leave quickly. "(Name) can we talk?" Suga stops you in your tracks.


"(Name) I saw what happened at the roller rink and--" Suga starts.

"Senpai... I don't want to talk about this..." You rub your arm trying to avoid eye contact

"No, (Name) listen. You should talk to Tsukishima-san. I'm not totally sure what he said but I know the only way you two will talk again is by explaining your sides of the story." Suga grabs your shoulders so you give him your attention.

"What if I don't want to talk to him again..." You break out of Suga's grasps. 

"But you do." Suga says catching you off guard. "I saw the way you looked at him today during practice you clearly want to talk to him again."

You look down sadly. "But what he said was cruel...."

"What if he apologizes would it help?" 

"He already did.... through text. Sorry isn't enough though...." You play with your fingers.

"How about you take a chance with him. Let him explain himself in person... if you think his apology is enough then you can stop the silent treatment you're giving him. You can't stay mad at him forever.." Suga gives you a reassuring smile.

You look up at Suga and give him a half smile. "Thanks Suga-senpai... you really are a team mom..."

"Well thank you (Name). You're just as important as the rest of us even if you don't play in the games. Everyone's feelings are important to me. Now go" Suga messes with your hair and pushes you to Tsukishima.

You fix your hair back to normal as you make your way to the middle blocker. He notices you walking over to him and looks around. You stand in front of him and put your hands on your hips giving him a serious glare.

"What...." He says raising an eyebrow.


"What the hell? You ignore me for two days and thats the first thing you say to me?" He glares.

Your serious stare breaks as you burst out into laughter. Tsukishima looks around confused as you hold your stomach, laughing. You then maintain seriousness and stand straight.

"So it has been two days since you were a huge jerk." You say crossing your arms.

"About that... can you wait for me outside and I can walk you home?..." Tsukishima rubs the back of his neck looking away.

"Y-Yeah..." You say putting your arms to your sides, making your way outside the gym, your face slightly flushed.

"Are they finally talking again?" Yamaguchi asks your sister as they see you walking away and Tsukishima turning away.

"I think so...."

Tsukishima looks around to see anyone looking. He sighs and smiles to himself.


You sit on a bench as the sun sets, waiting for Tsukishima to make his way out of the club room. You see your sister walking to the exit, but being stopped by another student. Knowing what will happen, you turn away. 

"Another one..." You mumble.

"Another what?" a middle blocker says startling you. 

"Holy shit!" You jump.

"Are we going or not?" Tsukishima says as he begins to walk.

You get up, grabbing your bag and run to the tall beanstalk. 


You and Tsukishima walk down the road to your house in silence. You look at the trees nervously.

'Is he going to say anything or are we just going to stay quiet.........'

"so..." Tsukishima says answering your thoughts stopping.

"What?" You say turning around.

"Listen... I'm sorry for what I said...."

"Why did you say it." You say interrupting.


"Why did you say it. Even though you knew how sensitive I am being compared with Kiyoko.."

"Yeah and those were bad choice of words on my part... please believe I didn't mean it" 

"No... I'm sure you did." Tsukishima's eyes widen at your words. "I know you're sorry and I get you chose the wrong words but what has been said has been said."

"I-I know.... but do you forgive me?.. I won't ever compare you to anyone...." Tsukishima trails off.

"Really though?.."

"I promise. Trust me"


"Seriously?" Tsukishima looks at you with a sincere look.

"You missed talking to me right?" Your gloomy frown changes to a smiling. You turn around, and begin to walk forward. "Coming?"

"Yeah right..." Tsukishima says walking to you.

"Oh of course you did Beanstalk! You were so eager to talk to me again I have the texts to prove it." You punch his shoulder.

Tsukishima's face flushes and he pushes you away. "Shut up Shortie. Why would I ever miss you. All you do is annoy me."

"Mhm okay." You smirk as Tsukishima covers his face with his hand.

'It was only two days... but I missed this.'  You smile to yourself.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note

Thanks for reading! Sorry I took a little break but now I'm back and the gang is moving onto the Tokyo Away games. My favorite part of Haikyuu!! :)

- Shortcake

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