Chapter 18 | It Doesn't Matter Anymore

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As the sun sets, it nears 24 hours since you've had your first boyfriend.


You still can't believe it. What do boyfriend and girlfriend do? Should you go on a date? What is a proper date? The last date you've been on was with.... Tsukishima. You close your fist. Tomorrow is the last day of the training camp.

"I should apologize...." You whisper to yourself. You head towards the gym where Bokuto, Tsukishima and Kuroo are practicing. You slide open the door, making a big sound, bringing all eyes to you. The volleyball midair falls to the ground filling the now silent gym. Tsukishima brings his hands down from the blocking position. Yamaguchi stands at the back of the gym, looking at Tsukishima and back to you. Misawa is sitting on a bench next to Kenma with a manga in his hand. 

"(Name)!" Misawa closes his book and gives you a peck on the cheek. 

"H-hey Misawa!" You say as your face heats up.

"Get a room" Kuroo snickers. 

"Shut up Nii-chan," He says putting his arm around you. 

You hold your hands together, not used to a boy being this close to you. 

"So what are you doing here?" Misawa smiles turning his attention back to you.

"I wanted to talk to Tsukishima..." You mumble as Misawa's smile fades and Tsukishima's eyes widen.

"Oh..." Misawa's eyes narrow but return to neutral. "Go ahead."

"Tsukishima... uh can we talk outside?" 

After a moment of hesitation, the middle blocker nods and follows you outside. You two stand at the end of the hallway, opposite of the gym so no one could eavesdrop. 

You lower your head and rub your arm as Tsukishima puts his hands in his pockets. Silence fills the void of awkwardness. 

"Did you ask me out here to just not talk to me?" He says.

"N-No... I just wanted to say sorry for yelling at you yesterday..." you trail off. 

"I... actually should be apologizing..." Tsukishima says, grabbing your attention. "What I said... was out of line and rude... I'm sorry. I mean you have a boyfriend now so..."

"It's fine!" You wave your hands. "Does this mean we're good now?"

The middle blocker half-smiles, "Yeah."

"A-and... are you okay with me and Misawa?" 

The beanstalk's golden orbs widen. Thoughts flow through his head, thinking of an answer. But why does his opinion matter to you? Tsukishima notices your hands shaking, awaiting his answer. He bites his lip. "Why wouldn't I be? It's your relationship."

Tsukishima's stomach turns saying those words.


"Thats good" an uneasiness rests in your stomach.


"I'll see you later okay?" You give him the peace sign with a grin. You feel pain in your heart.


"Yeah, see you" he raises his hand.

"Good night Beanstalk!" You wave, walking away.

'Why did I want him to say something else?...' You think to yourself. 

His gaze stays locked on you as you meet up with your friends. Tsukishima whispers something to himself as Yamaguchi comes out.

"What did she want?" He asks curiously.

"She was just apologizing..."

"For what happened on the roof?"

"Yeah.. everything's fine now" His voice strains as he is turning away.

"Tsukki! Wait!" Yamaguchi says, stopping the middle blocker.

"What" he says harshly, glaring at his childhood friend.

"Are you not going to say anything to her about her relationship?"

"I already told you Yamaguchi. I. Don't. Care."

"But the gift and I thought you li—"

"Who cares about that anymore?" Tsukishima begins to yell. "She has her own relationship and I'm not a part of it. So what?"


"Whatever I thought of her before doesn't matter. Whatever I felt before doesn't matter! Whatever I feel now— I-It doesn't matter!"

"I know but—"

"And this stupid gift," Tsukishima takes a small, neatly wrapped box out of his pocket. "This doesn't matter" 

"Tsukki!—" Tsukishima throws the box. Yamaguchi catches it and yells, "Why is their relationship affecting you this much? You've never gotten this upset over anything before! Could it be that maybe you wanted to be the one she confessed to?"

Tsukishima parts his lips to rebuttal, but no words come out.

"Have you ever considered the fact that maybe some part of you likes (Name)?" 


"Stop being stubborn for once in your life and accepting your god damn feelings!"  This is a new side to Yamaguchi Tsukishima has never seen before. 

"I—I don't know what I'm feeling.." 

"Figure it out then."


"Everyone time to go to bed!" Daichi yells.

The players inside the gym exit and walk near Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

"Let's go..." Tsukishima says turning to walk to the classrooms.

"Tsukki... I hope you realize your feelings...." Yamaguchi mumbles before following Tsukishima. 

To Be Continued...

Author's Note

Happy 2019 everyone! I hope you're having a good year so far. This chapter isn't as long as my other ones but I will make the next one longer sksks

I just want to let you know I love reading your reactions to events it makes me happy knowing people are feeling the feels haha.

- Shortcake

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